You have had ample opportunity to reminisce on the Akashic definitions and explanations of the concept of God. We will extrapolate from them in the quest to tie the reality--The One /Creative Forces /Law /Love /Universal Forces etc.--into Christ-Based spiritual living.
The One is whatever an individual wants/perceives Him to be. The same is true of observers of light at the subatomic level. Whether observed as particles or waves, the subject remains the same--light! Recall the particle theory and wave theory of light.
What is amazing about the One is that those who do not acknowledge Him are sustained equally like the fundamentalists. This is why He is said to be Law and Love.
The Law rests on two cardinal points; each soul must come to the realization that there is more to life than self-aggrandizement and on the earth plane you must reap what you sow--self always meets self. An inoculation against the ill-effects of these key posts is to allow love to motivate all thoughts, words and deeds. It will replicate Divine Love, which permits us to enjoy the largesse of the Creative Forces.
Meanwhile, we treat Him with contempt at almost every turn. The Book of Remembrance puts it better:
God meant man to be free and thus gave man will, a will even to defy God. (3976-29)
Any willing individual can be one with the Universal Forces. When the ego is caged and the will of the Divine is allowed to reign supreme, the journey towards at-one-ment with God is on course.
This was how the sages and scriptural characters accomplished atonement! You have to disable personal ideas and visions to attain it.
Man has been befuddled with the nature of reality. Attempts to understand and describe what he feels can generally fit into any of the Akashic definitions of God. However, because of our intolerance to opposing views, the efforts have not coalesced. In other words, we are all talking about different aspects of the same thing but we cannot listen to ourselves.
Part three is slated for the next update.
May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.
This was how the sages and scriptural characters accomplished atonement! You have to disable personal ideas and visions to attain it.
The following of those sources, forces, activities that are in accord with the Creative Force or First Cause--Its laws, then--is to be one with the source, or equal with yet separate from that First Cause...
Man has been befuddled with the nature of reality. Attempts to understand and describe what he feels can generally fit into any of the Akashic definitions of God. However, because of our intolerance to opposing views, the efforts have not coalesced. In other words, we are all talking about different aspects of the same thing but we cannot listen to ourselves.
Part three is slated for the next update.
May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.
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