Saturday, March 15, 2014


Very few things in life happen by accident. Self will and always meets self. You have landed at a place your inner self intends to be a path towards its further unfoldment. However, because of the free will bestowed on each soul, as a birthright, only you can actualize this intention. 

This blog/site is dedicated to share-with each visitor- simple but profoundly effective steps, which if  followed as recommended, will guide individuals towards leading a Christ-Consciousness-Based-Spiritual life. There is no religious connotation or attachment to the reality known as Christ Consciousness. It is like all other aspects of the Creative Forces (God) manifesting on the earth plane. Any soul has the choice to tap into any of Them.

Do not allow perceived cultural religious and secular burdens unleashed in the name of any belief system associated with Christ to turn you off from this road. To do so will be like trying to suffocate oneself if others are able to falsely claim a patent to the free air available to all. 

Or put differently, akin to the inhabitants of a town refusing to drink from a river which originates or flows through a community that stands in diametric opposition to all the former stands for. Meanwhile, there is no sustainable option. What is the worth of cutting the nose to spite the face?

Naturally, in this blog, we will look at the teachings of the man Jesus, who achieved Christhood on earth.  Invariably, this would entail making references to recorded accounts. However, the Bible is not the only source of such precepts. So, do not suspect this exercise to be an indirect route to proselytizing. Rest assured, this will not be the case. Also, we shall look at some of his pronouncements from the other side.

 The spiritual import of his teachings shall be explained, using guidance from Akaschic sources. For example, there are many genuine, but misguided, understandings of His teachings in religious circles which galvanize the spirit of  intolerance over many epochs, especially presently. By the way, intolerance is ignorance matured.  Man has tried to interpret Christ's teachings from various cultural perspectives.

Here, with the benefit of a gift from the Creative Forces - who stepped in after over a millennium since the end of the last earthly appearance of the soul known as Jesus -  we shall try to provide universally applicable meanings and usage. Just as the Sun shines on all - sinners, believers and unbelievers, scientists and superstitioners- Christ-Consciousness assists any one that calls out for help.

The Universal Forces continuously try to come to the aid of humans. However, it had been difficult to identify, with certainty, the veracity of competing sources that claim a copyright to the interpretation of the message of Christ. Gratefully, the Creative Forces work through Edgar Cayce provides a template to assess the veracity of various claims of information from the God or Christ on the subject.

We will not speculate on any issue that has no definite Akashic  explanation, express or inferential; or shall we accept any teaching that runs contrary to the tenets of Jesus, the Christ. According to the Akashic, the summary of Christ's teaching is : You must love the Lord thy God the Creative Forces with all your heart. Keep His ways. Love thy neighbor as thy self  Express love in all your activities with your neighbor.

Welcome aboard.

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