Saturday, March 29, 2014


You have had ample opportunity to reminisce on the Akashic definitions and explanations of the concept of God. We will extrapolate from them in the quest to tie the reality--The One /Creative Forces /Law /Love /Universal Forces etc.--into Christ-Based spiritual living.

The One is whatever an individual wants/perceives Him to be. The same is true of observers of light at the subatomic level. Whether observed as particles or waves, the subject remains the same--light! Recall the particle theory and wave theory of light.

What is amazing about the One is that those who do not acknowledge Him are sustained equally like the fundamentalists. This is why He is said to be Law and Love.

The Law rests on two cardinal points; each soul must come to the realization that there is more to life than self-aggrandizement and on the earth plane you must reap what you sow--self always meets self. An inoculation against the ill-effects of these key posts is to allow love to motivate all thoughts, words and deeds. It will replicate Divine Love, which permits us to enjoy the largesse of the Creative Forces. 

Meanwhile, we treat Him with contempt at almost every turn. The Book of Remembrance puts it better:
God meant man to be free and thus gave man will, a will even to defy God.  (3976-29)

Any willing individual can be one with the Universal Forces. When the ego is caged and the will of the Divine is allowed to reign supreme, the journey towards at-one-ment with God is on course. 

This was how the sages and scriptural characters accomplished atonement! You have to disable personal ideas and visions to attain it.
The following of those sources, forces, activities that are in accord with the Creative Force or First Cause--Its laws, then--is to be one with the source, or equal with yet separate from that First Cause...

Man has been befuddled with the nature of reality. Attempts to understand and describe what he feels can generally fit into any of the Akashic definitions of God. However, because of our intolerance to opposing views, the efforts have not  coalesced. In other words, we  are all talking about different aspects of the same thing but we cannot listen to ourselves. 

Part three is slated for the next update.

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Before any discussion, let us peep into the Akashic's information on the issues. Let it be known that any quote with numbers attached, say 100 - 1 or 223 - 14, are sourced through Edgar Cayce's voyages into The Book of Remembrance Readings.
 1. In the manifestation of all power, force, motion, vibration, that which impels, that which detracts, is  in its essence of One Force, One source, in its elemental form...
 God, the First Cause, the First Principle, the First Movement, IS! That's the beginning. That is, that was, that ever shall be.
 The following of those sources, forces, activities that are in accord with the Creative Force or First Cause--Its laws, then--is to be one with the source, or equal with yet separate from that First Cause...
 Or, taking man in his present position or consciousness, how or when he may be aware of the First Cause moving within his realm of consciousness?
 In the beginning there was the force of attraction and the force that repelled. Hence, in man's consciousness he becomes aware of what is known as the atomic or cellular form of movement about which there becomes nebulous activity...Yet this very movement that separates the forces in atomic influence is the First Cause, or the manifestation of that called God in the material plane.
 Then, as it gathers of positive-negative forces in their activity, whether it be of one element or realm or another, it becomes magnified in its force or sources through the universe.
 Hence we find worlds, suns, stars, nebulae, and whole solar systems moving from a first cause.  When this first cause comes into man's experience in the present realm he becomes confused, in that he appears to have an influence upon this force or power in directing same. Certainly! Much, though, in the manner as the reflection of light in a mirror. For, it is only reflected force that man may have upon those forces that show themselves in the activities, in whatever realm into which man may be delving in the moment...
 Hence, as man applies himself--or uses that of which he becomes conscious in the realm of activity, and gives or places the credit (as would be called) in man's consciousness in the correct sphere or realm he becomes conscious of that union of force with the infinite with the finite force. Hence, in the fruits of that--as is given oft, as the fruits of the spirit--does man become aware of the infinite penetrating, or interpenetrating the activities of all forces of matter, or that which is a manifestation of the realm of the infinite into the finite--and the finite becomes conscious of same...   
 So does life in all its force begin in the earth. The moving of the infinite upon the negative of the finite in the material, or to become manifested force.    (262-52)
2.  As in numbers one builds upon the others (as units) and all are formations or divisions or multiples or units of one, so the universe and the expressions of all natures within same are the manifestations of the One Force, One Power, One Spirit, One Energy known as or called a Universal Force, Creative Energy, or God.    (1462-1)  
 3. No man, no physical matter, has ever seen God at any time; only the manifestations of Him.    (707-1)
 4. Q-Is it correct when praying to think of God as an impersonal force or energy, everywhere present; or as an intelligent listening mind, which is aware of every individual on earth and who intimately knows everyone's needs and how to meet them?
 A. Both. For He is also energies in the finite moving in material manifestation. He is also Infinite, with the awareness. And thus as ye attune thy own consciousness, thy own awareness, the unfoldment of the presence within beareth witness with the presence without. (1158-14)
 5. All power, all force, is a manifestation of that which is termed the God-consciousness.    (601-11) 
 6. For know, the greater lesson the world has ever known and may ever learn is, "Know, O ye peoples, the Lord thy God is One---One." (1770-2)
 7. First the continuity of life. There is no time; it is one time; there is no space; it is one space; there is no force; it is one force. (4341-1)
 8. Life is creative, and is the manifestation of that energy, that oneness, which may never be wholly discerned or discovered in materiality,--and yet is the basis of all motivative forces and influences in the experiences of an individual. (2012-1) 
9. In each atom, in each corpuscle, is life. Life is what you worship as God. (2968-1)
10. For man is flesh, as man is of Divine origin. And the mind of man, though it may--through the prunings, the trainings, the guidings in that direction for ages upon ages--become somewhat purified, only that portion of the mind that is divine can know, does know, that Life is the manifestation of God in motion. (1298-1)
11. God seeks all to be one with Him. And as all things were made by Him, that which is is the creative influence in every herb, every mineral, every vegetable, every individual activity, is that same force ye call God--and seeks  expression! Even as when God said: "Let there be light," and there was light. For, this is law; this is love. (294-202)
 12. Not as Moses painted a God of wrath; not as David painted a God that would fight thine enemies; but as the Christ--(who presented Him as) the Father of love, of mercy, of justice. (262-100)
13.  Truth is the unalterable, unchangeable law, ever. What is truth? Law! What is Law? Love! What is Love? God! What is God? Law and Love. These are as the cycle of truth itself...He is the same yesterday, today and forever--unalterable...I am That I am. That is true.  (3574-2)

Grapple with and meditate on the above until the next posting.

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


In continuation of the theme on the initial manifestation of souls on the earth plane, lets look at what The One fashioned to deal with the uprising of His creation. For an update or to catch up on the gist, so far, on the topic read.  

Sacred texts were recorded by adepts for two types of audience. One is the profane general public and the other is students on the path initiates. Students on the part are individuals who, through free will, choose to study mans' relationship with The One. 

The Master was a student on the path.  The will of The One must always be done. The terms God, Creative Forces, The Father, The One, The Source etc. refer to one reality - The Creator. 

Christ obeyed and still obeys the Father's will. God's intention was to have a would-be interlocutor  in flesh and blood on the earth's plane experience all earthly scenarios. Why? You shall soon find out.

Laws that sustain the universe were willed into existence by God at creation. A special set of rules was also willed for souls humans when we forced our way into the physical dimension. 

The skeleton of the rules is tripartite: cause, effect and purpose. The rules include a medium of interaction for the essence of each individual - the soul - with the spirit realm. For impartial operation and application of the regulations, the spirit ascertains the intent of thoughts, words and deeds. 

The rules for interaction of humans on earth is called the Law. Individual actions are gauged against the standards of the Law. However, ignorance of the law could be a mitigating factor. Jesus, the man, used this as the guiding principle of all His actions while on the earth plane. 

Knowledge of the Law and acting contrariwise is why souls continue to incarnate on the earth plane to master the Laws. Ultimately, the onus is on each soul to search for and apply the Law to all thoughts, words and deeds. The bottom line is that God The Law operates all the time impartially.  

Our actions determine how the Law affects us. Ignorance of this reality leads the profane to claim God is on our side on mundane issues. You can see why The One is said to be impartial. Inspite of these, 
God has not willed that any soul should perish. He has with every temptation, every trial, every disappointment made a way of escape or correcting same. It is not a way of justification only by faith, but a way to know, to realize that in these disappointments, separations, there comes the assurance that He cares.

Another part of the law is do not judge what you have not experienced or known. Hence, the Will that Christ experience flesh and blood over and over before assuming the title: The Way to the Father.  

Angels and archangels are part of the Law, in some sense. They are part of the interaction medium. The profane mind utilizes one method to relate to spiritual concepts. Anthropomorphize all spiritual entities! As such, God is perceived as an old gray-haired and gray-bearded Man sitting on a throne some where in the sky! 

Likewise, angels and archangels are regarded as humans with little wings. In actuality, manifestations in the spirit dimension can be best described as forces or energies. Force is preferred  because Life Force is what sustains us. They are perceptible on the earth plane for those who attune to their frequency.

Due to the circumstances of their creation, angels and archangels are incapable of merging with The One. Angels are governed by divine laws. Man, on the other hand, is lower than angels by choice - rebellion. However, you can return to the original state of man - being a part of the Creative Forces.

Returning to the original state is the objective of leading a Christ-Based spiritual life. That is why He is called The Way. The easiest and foolproof  path to re-attain  our god-like status is to follow His precepts. There is nothing dogmatic or religious about His teachings.

We all have what may be loosely called guardian angels. They enter when a soul takes possession of a physical body. Some souls do this prior to delivery. Others wait until after delivery. It is impossible to say when this event occurs from a human perspective. 

The reliance on date and time of birth fails to account for this pivotal event. Notwithstanding, the will, especially if made one with the divine, supplants any astrological tendencies. Astrological influences and the roles they play, if any and why, shall be explained in future posting(s).

A guardian angel meets with its charge - in the spirit realm - when the latter considers an earth incarnation. They agree on what lessons, based on sojourns in intervening realms and past earth lives, need to be addressed. 

A pact is reached and the Creative Forces enable the process by creating a body. However, the soul is free to decide otherwise at any time. If it happens after the soul had incarnated in flesh, the individual is said to go against his ideal. An ideal can be switched to The Ideal by human will! 

In addition, the guardian angel and its ilk do provide the mental energy and spiritual energy for the actualization of the tasks on the physical plane. If allowed, it will guide, guard and protect. Recall parts of Psalm 91: 
10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.  
Your guardian angel also serves as your soul's spokesman before The Throne of Power, Might, Grace and Mercy. Though no man, including The Master, has ever seen the Father - for He is spirit - the lines of communication with Him are eternally open. The condition pre-requisite for the guardian angel's duty is the maintenance of the individual's Ideal.

When the Ideal is set Him Christ, who set and showed the way, nothing is impossible. It does not mean the end of trying periods. This is not because of righteousness. For righteousness is an impossible proposition for any soul encased in flesh. 

Rather, it is through the grace of God. You merit this mercy by loving the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul; and treating others as you would want them to treat you.

You may ask, "How about those who never heard about or do not accept The Way?" The Akashic, through Edgar Cayce, says:
 Aid others to walk circumspectly, and not to confuse or disturb any in that in which they are satisfied, or in that which for them constitutes righteousness or sin.                                                              (262-14)
Guardian angels pave and grade the path to attunement with the Creative Forces for health, spiritual nourishment, life etc.. 

Archangels are obviously higher than angels. They are responsible for specific tasks. For instance, during Lucifer's uprising, Archangel Halaliel's court was the major battleground. He fought off Satan's lieutenant Ariel. The same Ariel was in the fore front of the negative energies that tempted Adam beyond his control.

Another archangel of note is Gabriel. He is main responsibility is to announce to the physical plane keynote decisions from the spirit realm. An important but not much heralded archangel is Michael. He is the Lord of the Way. Not The Way. He guards, guides and protects those who seek The Way. He is a no nonsense entity!

There are masters in the spirit realm too. They are part of the interaction medium. Like angels and archangels, they have never experienced physical consciousness.  Nevertheless, during the creation process they had much impact. As Christ said: 
In my Father's house are many mansions

Reference to Christ as the Master of masters is in the sense of masters of the spirit realm. In my understanding, man cannot ordain or bequeath such titles. There are many mansions but only one Way to the Father.

There we have it. Angels, archangels and masters of the spirit realm. Knowledge not applied is as good as the ones not acquired. The essence of this post is to put you on notice on what forces are available for contact and assistance while seeking the Light.

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

Monday, March 24, 2014


On another level, the same fact of a three-dimensional reality on the earth plane has been characterized as mystic, psychic and occult powers. They mean spirit, soul, and mind forces respectively. It is difficult for the normal human mind to picture these without an attempt to partition the relationships.

Life force Psychic force in humans, assists us to express in the material world, the obscured capability of the soul and spirit forces. It is capable of being exhibited from behind or in and through the physical plane. 

In creatures without souls - animals and plants - only the psychic force sustains them. In other words, they are not allowed free will. This serves to clear the air about the doctrine of metempsychosis and transmigration.  

An individual cannot regress into an animal or plant. What happens to the soul? Answers to this warped teaching will be presented when we probe how souls first manifested in materiality - don flesh and body.

Psychic or Life Force is life itself. Occult and psychic forces are part of The One at different rates of vibration. Occult is the channel through which studies are made and the other is the substance of the sources.  

Three-dimensions is cloaked as an allegory in Hebrews 8:5. The outer court is the body; the mind is the inner court; and the Holy of Holies refers to the soul.

The coordination of the interplay between the three-dimensions depends on the spiritual level of understanding and practice of individuals. When the body physical is at rest, it loses sense of the conscious mind.

When the mind is at rest - during deep meditation or prayer - its awareness is on spiritual and possible physical import of issues.

The absence of the soul-body and mind-body from our physical body is when it is before the Lord! The body is temporal. Mind is both temporal and carnal. This is why it builds on thoughts that preoccupy it.

The soul is eternal because it is a part of the Creative Forces. Another exemplification of the three-dimensions is in the terms conscious, subconscious and superconscious minds.

The conscious mind  is for each earthly issues. It is located within the pineal gland. At death it passes on. While in materiality, the subconscious mind serves as the bridge between the superconscious and the conscious mind.

At repose, the subconscious mind becomes the conscious mind of each individual as the soul continues its journey of spiritual evolution in other realms. The superconscious mind does not interact with the physical at all. 

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


In the last post we broached the fact of a three-dimensional physical world. This has been taught under different guises in various religions, esoteric and philosophical schools of belief. What are the bases of this reality from the Akashic perspective?

Today you will be introduced to the spiritual scope of the phenomenon. Over time, spiritual principles have been watered down if not turned on their heads by man for many reasons. 

The most troubling is when we try to formulate them into theories. The logic of the spiritual realm is holistic, paradoxical and intuitive. Human logic is anchored to either or philosophy and experiential.

Basically, each entity human being on the earth plane is made of body, mind and soul. The physical body consists of the dense material and its higher vibrating/ invisible counterpart - aura. The invisible part is the real physical body.   

Those with perception beyond the five senses,  see the invisible body - an energy field - as a halo from the waist line upwards. The field envelops the upper upper body.

It arches over the top of the head terminating in the space between the eyes. This is at the base of the nose. Later discussions would revisit the significance of these details.

God The Creative Forces allowed an initial spiritual rebellion led by Lucifer for one simple reason. Of all God's creatures, only humans - the only species with souls - are endowed with free will as a birthright. God wants man to co-create with Him.

The time is not yet ripe to delve into the nitty-gritty of the rebellion. Be that as it may, laws were then set to regulate life in the material plane. They are designed to operate blindly. Yet, there are in-built mechanisms for divine assistance

This is for souls who acknowledge the futility of acting just for self-aggrandizement. It has to be  accompanied by remorse and the desire to be at-One-ment again! We pause on this trajectory at this instant. 

Like all separations from the One, the rebellion was conceived in spirit and grew in the mental. The culmination of this separation from the Creative Forces was crystallization of the different thoughts in  materiality. Souls, including you and I, through free will chose against God's will.

The Creative Forces' original intent - still valid - is to utilize our abilities to serve the Highest Good. This is why the Master of masters cried out Father let this cup pass from me; but Thy will not mine be done.  

As above so below. Therefore, on the  spiritual realm body, mind and soul are symbolized. Hence, God the Father is the body/whole; Christ is the mind; and the Holy Spirit represents the soul. 

In materiality, the spirit motivates purposes, desires, and hopes to align with the Divine. These explanations have nothing to do with any religion or philosophy. Remember, they are as deciphered from Akashic records.

God the Father, The Creator and The Maker is symbolized by our spiritual body; The Son is denoted as The Way, The Activity, The Mind and The Preserver; Holy Spirit as the persuasive force - makes destroys depending on how you use it.

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


There have been assorted names for the term currently known as the Akashic over the ages. They include The Book of Life and The Book of Remembrance. 

Religions and other philosophies base their teachings about judgement at the end of time on this record. Whether there is an end of time as it is literally understood is another question. A post will  address this.

It is enough, for now, to recognize that it is a spiritual medium where all human activities are recorded. The exercise has been on since the first wave of projection of souls into material forms. 

Acquisition and correct reading of information from the Akashic have diverse layers of challenges. The first is the level of evolution of the soul of the medium and the motivation of the seeker.

Another is how far the medium is able to shut out the physical senses. When this is possible, the subconscious mind, which is permitted access to the records - with limitations - can make in road. 

Next, assuming all the challenges noted have been overcome, are the limitations inherent in human language. The earth plane is three-dimensional and our vocabulary is tailored to suit this actuality.

The spiritual realm is multidimensional. Consequently, transcription of data from a realm where time and space do not exist to one that is shaped by time-space illusion becomes tricky.  

Guides on the spiritual plane present answers to inquiries in symbols mediums can relate to. Hence, the total subjugation of the physical is very crucial.

Few individuals are capable of checking the boxes on the above challenges in one earthly incarnation. As such, access to the records does not assure correct transmission. 

Notwithstanding, the Creative Forces update, from time to time, explanation of higher laws for humans. Modifications are determined by the overall level of consciousness.

To say reliance on demonstrable facts, in the present age, is sine qua non for consideration of any thought, is to understate the obvious. Nonetheless, quantum physics makes a case for caution when it comes to reality at the subatomic level. 

What I am talking about is the wave theory and particle theory of light. It remains a puzzle to physicists how light can manifest as waves when experiments are set up accordingly; and when altered on purpose it is observed as a particles!

The more we think we understand the nature of reality the more the Creative Forces throw curve balls. The constraints in rendering symbolic data notwithstanding, God aided a retrieval operation in modern time

The transliteration of information gleaned from the Akashic addresses most of the skepticism associated with religious materials - oral and written. 

The intelligible doubts are supported in large part by certain scriptural pronouncements and their rendition. For instance, believers are wont to paint God as a Loving Father. 

Holy Books represent such in one generation and out of nowhere, down the road, a grumpy image stares at the reader. This is contrary to predictability - a hallmark of nature. This discrepancy in cross-referencing ought to trigger an error alert. God cannot be haphazard.

Edgar Cayce's over 14,000 readings to assist children, his initial purpose, ended up as a massive Divine revelation and corrections  of misconceptions on issues, especially cosmology. 

He had a full time secretary who recorded all the messages from the Akashic. Some sessions were witnessed by eminent Ivy League researchers. Mr. Cayce scoured the The Book of Life while in hypnotic trances. He was never able to recall any of the sessions on regaining consciousness. 

God threw an interesting curve ball here too. Cayce was a fundamentalist Christian who taught Bible studies his entire life. So, for him to reintroduce the doctrine of reincarnation - which is antithetical to the provisions of the Bible - is hilarious. He struggled with it initially. 

However, after praying and witnessing how treatments offered from the Akashic  cured cases science had written off, he started to come to terms with reincarnation and other disclosures that were diametric to his beloved Bible and Christian doctrines.

On the academic front, he stated that a mystical group, the Essenes, had female members. Prior and up to the time, research results were unanimous on only male membership. Cayce's insight was scoffed at, to put it mildly. 

Years after his death, the Dead Sea Scrolls were uncovered. Lo and behold, the information from The Book of Remembrance was right on the money. So much for absolute dependence on empirical evidence.

Cayce's work provides a clearing house to cross-authenticate claims by any source deemed to be from the Akashic. Readings given over different decades for unrelated events never contradicted themselves on spiritual laws, teachings and the dates of major events in human history. Amazing!

Above shows you the sources of the principles of Christ Based Spiritual living.

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

Monday, March 17, 2014


A recurring theme in this exploration and education will be: Mention of Christ Consciousness has no religious connotation. My circle of acquaintances spans the gamut of many of the worlds' belief systems. Any time I mention what I am into, my Christian buddies, almost always, jab: Do you believe in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? And He died for your sins?

My old self, full of law school influence, would have been grateful for any opportunity to debate and figuratively step on throats! However, with what I have experienced and learned from Him, (The Christ), now the approach is measured. The standard response is: I know there is Christ. I do not need to believe.

Holy smoke. Heresy in full color. Facial reactions to my harmless assertion are better experienced than narrated. Some do not reflect on the import of my statements. They robotically cry out: So you do not believe that He died so that your sins will be forgiven and you can make it to heaven? Constantly, references are made to the Bible and why I risk being a lifer in hell. I would have been outraged by this.

Now, I understand better. Such encounters provide opportunities for me to assess how far I have come from my proselytizing days while affiliated to different religious and esoteric groups. I also see them as avenues to contextualize many spiritual teachings and principles. The truth needs no champion for it is the champion of champions! 

The goal of Christ-based spiritual living is to demonstrate how practical knowledge trumps dogmatic obeisance. For instance, heaven and hell are states of consciousness created by our actions based on free will. Also, we grow to heaven not go to heaven. Furthermore, no two souls persons have exact levels of spiritual development. Consequently, there is no one size that fits all.

Any one on the earth plane is not here by chance or accident. The Master established the pattern. By incarnating thirty times and at the end sacrificing His life, The Way was set. The Christ Consciousness is now available to anyone who believes, knows and follows His precepts in all spheres of activities. This is how each willing soul would reconnect to the Creative Forces. Self must be conquered.                   

According to the Akashic, Intolerance is ignorance matured. It is not worth it to debate religion from a spiritual perspective. There are obligations in addition to a belief in Him. Believing without following His precepts is like trying to make omelet without cracking eggs. When one comes to this level of understanding, then, belief translates to knowledge of Him. 

As written accounts state and Akashic sources confirm, He stated, over and over, that His burden is not heavy. He did not prescribe onerous requirements. Love thy God with all your heart and love thy fellowman like thy self is the summary of His teachings. This is the key to spiritual enlightenment and practice.

Love from the spiritual perspective is providing assistance to the needy. This does not mean only material things. In fact, material help does not rank very high. But who am I to judge in the first place on this. A smile to a stranger, a word of encouragement to one who is down, resisting the natural urge to judge and condemn rank higher on the spiritual scale of love. 

The greatest display of love is to see something good in anyone who despises you or uses you. Every human being has an element of the Divine within. It might be masked by the dominance of misplaced good evil. How do we know this? By extrapolating what the Master did and the Akashic Sources tell us. For example, what was His reaction to the charges brought against a lady accused of adultery?  He without sin should cast the first stone. He then told the woman to sin no more.

What is sin? Departing from the will of the Creative Forces. In other words, engaging in non-constructive thoughts, words and deeds. It is impossible for anyone to unequivocally claim immunity from any shortcomings. Yet, the sun still shines on all. We all breathe the free air provided by the Creative Forces. 

Even those who do not believe in God are allowed to enjoy the wonderful free gifts of nature. This is the ultimate love. So, love is knowledge that not all souls have evolved to the point of accepting what one deems right or wrong. As such, with this at the back of the mind, it is possible - though not quite easy - to let go of perceived shortcomings from others.

This is what Christ-Based spiritual living is all about. The Creative Forces overlook our shortcomings in the same measure as we give others a break when they err. However, we have to dispense this with the affirmation of our ideals. On the surface, these appear contradictory. Paradoxes are recurring themes in comprehending the operation of spiritual laws. Comprehension of the spirit of higher laws makes seeming paradoxes easy to grapple with.

In affirming our ideals when dealing with others, the intention is what matters. Am I acting to avenge a misdeed or to show tough love? In Christ-Based spiritual living, there is no tough love but loving indifference. The goal of this way of life is to allow the will of God to always prevail in all circumstances. This is heaven on earth.

What can we do to display loving indifference in the face of an issue, say, verbal hostility? Christ Based spiritual living is anchored to prayers. Not praying in the in the orthodox sense. New Age practitioners use the term affirmations to allude to this form of praying. Once you know the essence of communicating with the Creative Forces, it is easy to make up prayers on the fly. You will learn it here.

All situations, cheerful or otherwise, are opportunities to grow spiritually. On our own, because of self, it is easy to slide into selfish acts sin, which we try to justify otherwise. The guarantee against such is to seek guidance from the One who has experienced it all, is waiting and willing to help. How I wish I had known this earlier.

The first prayer when confronted by any situation, say you just won the jackpot!, is to say: Christ, what would you have me do? Do not analyze how He is going to respond or what the options are. Remember, He does not need our input on favored outcome if we genuinely request help. Just ask and forget about it. The guarantee is eternal, the response will come. However, it is only in patience that you possess your soul. Start now and watch how He will step into your life. 

For loving indifference, say, someone has pulled a fast one on you. In addition, to the above prayer add this:
         Father .... is Yours as I am Yours
          I am willing, I forgive
          I present the problems to You
         Use me, use him/her in whatever 
         may be Your will in this matter
 May you remain protected by the white Light of Christ Consciousness 


Saturday, March 15, 2014


Very few things in life happen by accident. Self will and always meets self. You have landed at a place your inner self intends to be a path towards its further unfoldment. However, because of the free will bestowed on each soul, as a birthright, only you can actualize this intention. 

This blog/site is dedicated to share-with each visitor- simple but profoundly effective steps, which if  followed as recommended, will guide individuals towards leading a Christ-Consciousness-Based-Spiritual life. There is no religious connotation or attachment to the reality known as Christ Consciousness. It is like all other aspects of the Creative Forces (God) manifesting on the earth plane. Any soul has the choice to tap into any of Them.

Do not allow perceived cultural religious and secular burdens unleashed in the name of any belief system associated with Christ to turn you off from this road. To do so will be like trying to suffocate oneself if others are able to falsely claim a patent to the free air available to all. 

Or put differently, akin to the inhabitants of a town refusing to drink from a river which originates or flows through a community that stands in diametric opposition to all the former stands for. Meanwhile, there is no sustainable option. What is the worth of cutting the nose to spite the face?

Naturally, in this blog, we will look at the teachings of the man Jesus, who achieved Christhood on earth.  Invariably, this would entail making references to recorded accounts. However, the Bible is not the only source of such precepts. So, do not suspect this exercise to be an indirect route to proselytizing. Rest assured, this will not be the case. Also, we shall look at some of his pronouncements from the other side.

 The spiritual import of his teachings shall be explained, using guidance from Akaschic sources. For example, there are many genuine, but misguided, understandings of His teachings in religious circles which galvanize the spirit of  intolerance over many epochs, especially presently. By the way, intolerance is ignorance matured.  Man has tried to interpret Christ's teachings from various cultural perspectives.

Here, with the benefit of a gift from the Creative Forces - who stepped in after over a millennium since the end of the last earthly appearance of the soul known as Jesus -  we shall try to provide universally applicable meanings and usage. Just as the Sun shines on all - sinners, believers and unbelievers, scientists and superstitioners- Christ-Consciousness assists any one that calls out for help.

The Universal Forces continuously try to come to the aid of humans. However, it had been difficult to identify, with certainty, the veracity of competing sources that claim a copyright to the interpretation of the message of Christ. Gratefully, the Creative Forces work through Edgar Cayce provides a template to assess the veracity of various claims of information from the God or Christ on the subject.

We will not speculate on any issue that has no definite Akashic  explanation, express or inferential; or shall we accept any teaching that runs contrary to the tenets of Jesus, the Christ. According to the Akashic, the summary of Christ's teaching is : You must love the Lord thy God the Creative Forces with all your heart. Keep His ways. Love thy neighbor as thy self  Express love in all your activities with your neighbor.

Welcome aboard.