Wednesday, April 30, 2014


In our last discussion, the status of Amilius as the first creation of The One was established. Their joint operation in the creation of the universe, including the earth plane, and establishment of spiritual and natural laws was also noted or alluded to. 

They collaborated to create all souls in one fell swoop. No souls were created after the first and only time souls were willed into existence produced. By the way, there are other planes necessary for the evolution of souls in the journey back to the Creator. 

They include: Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. Every condition that exists on the physical plane has a pattern and equivalent in the spiritual realm. 

In Why Are We Flesh? IV, the Akashic informed us of how the various thought forms of the rebelling souls so indulged in self-aggrandizement that God's purpose of creating humans was derailed. It says:
...with those various things that Thought Forms had so indulged in as to separate the purpose of God's creation of man as man – not as animal. (2072-8)

Additionally, the post alluded to a rebellion led by Lucifer and his lieutenant Ariel. Recall in particular:
Due to the power at their disposal, souls led by Lucifer and his lieutenant Ariel led a rebellion. What was this nature of this uprising? Using the powers at their disposal contrary to The ONE's will. How was it executed? Projecting selfish desires into thought forms. Where? In spirit. And what were the consequences?

As well, the fact that thoughts are things was mentioned. Thoughts flash through our minds constantly. The way we handle them leads to what may be termed self-fulfilling prophecy or an opportunity to manifest the will of the Universal Forces. Mind is the builder and, generally, what your mind dwells upon it fabricates first on the spiritual realm. 

Recall from above: Every condition that exists on the physical plane has a pattern and equivalent in the spiritual realm. Hence, uncontrolled thoughts could build conditions that are to be met in the material. Thoughts that elicit fear have higher potentials for such.

All thoughts held by souls on the earth plane register as objects on the spiritual skein of records. This is how the Book of Remembrance is maintained! Most of such objects on the spiritual archive have to be met in a lifetime on earth. 

Moreover, all thoughts and experiences in all planes of consciousness can only be played out in physicality; for the earth material plane is the only testing laboratory for the entire system of realms of consciousness. What can one do to limit the dangers inherent in fleeting and uncontrolled thoughts? 

In our discussion so far, the Book of Records has repeatedly stated that souls' utilization of their god-like powers for self-aggrandizement led to humans' entanglement in matter and why we are in flesh! The Akashic recommends a specific prayer to deal with fear inducing thoughts.  
Not my will but thine, O God, be done in and through me. 
Fear is a sign of separation from the source. Allowing the will of the The One to prevail will gradually erase all sediments of fear.
Besides, we touched on the separation of souls from the Source God and the collection of spiritual dross from the initial rebellion original sin. Those initial impurities and additions, thereon, from other manifestations in matter earthly incarnations need to be vanished before each entity reconnects to the source again. The additions are from three sources: thoughts, words and deeds.    

On purpose, details about creation and nature of the rebellion have been sketchy. From the next post, we shall flesh up the events mentioned and share more on the journey of our souls up to the present. Please, go back, read and ponder on what has been discussed so far. 

May the Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father. 

Monday, April 28, 2014


We need to expend considerable energy and time to grasp why man is in flesh. This the linchpin of a successful spiritual life. More so Christ based. 

Excerpts from the Akashic are generally holistic in nature. Meanwhile, we are ingrained with three-dimension logic. We feel a disconnect. The conflict can be frustrating.

In other words, the normal mind is at sea when it first encounters information not patterned after what it has been trained to and accustomed to doing. I encountered the same problems on reading information from the Book of Remembrance for the first time!

Put differently, expect initial bouts of resentment from the conscious mind in dealing with what we are sharing. Patience and persistence is how to overcome it. The mind is a creature of habit. 

To drop an old habit, form a new one. For the matter under review, continue to read this stuff. Before you know it, the mind would have been acclimated. There are ways to go about dropping and forming spiritual habits. We promise to share them with you.

Back to the business at hand. The One's first creation was Amilius--an androgynous spirit entity. God willed him into existence before continuing the tasks of creating other aspects of the universe. Amilius was endowed with free will and reason. 

Otherwise, he would have been a puppet of the Creator. Amilius was a separate being, conscious of his individuality and yet he was one with The One God! This seeming paradox needs further explanation. 

The concept of being separate and yet one with the source can lead to dogma if not understood. It has to do only with spirit and purpose at the fundamental level. The superconscious mind will never depart from the divine spirit and purpose. Only the conscious mind operates that way. Hence, the effort to force it to obey The One by striving to live according to the tenets of Christ.

Recall: each soul has an aspect of the Divine and allowing the Father's will to prevail is heaven on earth! The divine aspect in us never dies. It is what we want to reconnect to the source by living according to the precepts of the ONLY Master--Christ!

The One and Amilius then went about the tasks of willing into existence creating other manifestations from the Father. This explains why monotheistic faiths' scriptures use the term We and us when talking about decisions from God. It also contextualizes other accounts of creation - especially the use of plural terms when there is only One Source.

As regards the teaser from the last posting, Genesis 6:4 states:
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
From where came these men the Book of Remembrance were list between ten and twelve feet tall? Stay tuned! 

Next time we shall look at the larger picture of why we are flesh with bits of key information released in this post.

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

Friday, April 18, 2014


The various profane accounts and theories of creation notwithstanding, it is certain that God willed the universe into existence. What was His intention in creating souls?
The entity was among those who were the THOUGHT PROJECTIONS...with those various things that Thought Forms had so indulged in as to separate the purpose of God's creation of man as man – not as animal. (2072-8)
In the beginning, when The One Moved, God's will manifested in the coming into being of His thought forms. Among other things, they set up the laws that govern the universe and the commencement of the gestation period, in accordance with the ordained laws, before materialization of the components. 

Simultaneously, souls came into being in the spiritual plane. The original intention, from The Book of Remembrance, was for souls to remain with The One on this plane. Each soul was endowed with the creative force of God. How can this be verified? 

For the purposes of where we are, the following would suffice for now: 

The morning stars sang together, and over the face of the waters there was the voice of the glory of the coming of the planes for man's indwelling. (341-1) 
...with those various things that Thought Forms had so indulged in as to separate the purpose of God's creation of man as man – not as animal. (2072-8)
Focus on the the following closely:
  • ...coming of the planes for man's indwelling 
  • ...Thought Forms had so indulged in as to separate the purpose of God's creation of man as man – not as animal
The One willed Souls into being for the purposes of companionship and co-creating. What we call God, The One, The Creative Forces, The Universal Force, exist  in a higher vibrating realm of consciousness plane. You and I, came into awareness of being in this (spiritual) plane.

In creating souls, The One endowed each with God-like powers. Furthermore, He allowed and still allows each of us unfettered freewill freedom of choice. This is why the Akashic says that God gave us freewill even to defy Him! And this the main reason why we are flesh. 

The God-like powers bequeathed to souls had one caveat-- we must use them in accordance with the Divine Will. Though it might sound preposterous, God does not actually know what any soul intends to do until an individual chooses decides on a course of action. 

This allows the law of love and grace to operate impartially. Anytime a soul realizes the folly of going against the Divine Will, the love of God is what permits reestablishment of  spiritual connection. Do not ask me how long this takes. Know this: no man can EVER fool God!

Due to the power at their disposal, souls led by Lucifer and his lieutenant Ariel led a rebellion. What was this nature of this uprising? Using the powers at their disposal contrary to The ONE's will. How was it executed? Projecting selfish desires into thought forms. Where? In spirit. And what were the consequences?

The entity was among those who were the THOUGHT PROJECTIONS...with those various things that Thought Forms had so indulged in as to separate the purpose of God's creation of man as man – not as animal.
These, then, are the manners in which the entities, those beings, those souls, in the beginning partook of,  or developed. Some brought about monstrosities, as of its (that entity's) association by its projection with its association with beasts of various characters. Hence those of the Styx, satyr, and the like; those of the sea, or mermaid; those of the unicorn...those that sort forms in minerals--and being able to be that the mineral was.   (364-10)

Projection of thoughts to satisfy self or the lowest denominator in us contaminated the rebelling souls, for lack of a better word. Thoughts are things. The acts separated the souls from the Source. The detachment imprinted a spiritual dross on those souls, which needed to be cleansed before they can, individually, reconnect to the Source. 

Hence, anytime I act to aggrandize self, I know it adds to my spiritual impurities. To lessen this, whenever I catch myself trying to act to satisfy self  I pray thus:
Not my will, but thine, O God, be done in and through me.
Likewise, in dealing with others, especially those who self consider strange, awkward, wrong, etc.,  I immediately call to mind:
Try to see self in other's place. And this will bring the basic spiritual forces that must be the prompting influence in the experience of each soul, if it would grow in grace, in knowledge, in understanding; not only of its relationship to its fellowman, but its relationship in the home and in the social life. (2936-2)

In a nutshell, the mutinous souls got entangled in different aspects of physicality on the earth plane. From what has been gleaned from the Book of Remembrance, the origins of mythical creatures noted above and in folklore are now known. 

Lets tap into the Akashic accounts again.
...All souls in the beginning were one with the Father. The separation or turning away brought evil.        (262-56) 
Error or separation began before there appeared what we know as the earth, the heavens; or before space was manifested. (262-115) 
In the beginning, as matter was impregnated with spirit of the creative influence, there came into being Man...
That matter became impregnated with spirit arose from the very fact that spirit (separated) had erred, and only through the environ of matter (or flesh) might the attributes of the source of good  be manifested.
For, the spirit of evil has not, did not, become manifested in matter; only has it moved by or upon or through matter...
What separated spirit from its first cause, or causes good and evil? 
Desire! Desire! (5752-3)

Meanwhile, some souls on the spiritual plane watched in bewilderment and pity at what had transpired with their kindred ensnared in matter. The souls entangled in materiality formed the first encasement of souls in matter. As it has been shown, this was not  God's plan when He created souls. 

Nevertheless, out of love and freedom of choice bestowed on entities, He did not stop the enterprise of souls on the spiritual plane. In fact, at a point He joined the scheme to prepare a way for errant souls that want to return to Him. 

Is there any evidence of the emergence and existence of those souls from the spiritual plane in any profane account of creation? We shall try to look at this next time.

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father. 

Monday, April 14, 2014


Today, we shall examine and show how elements of the Akashic account of creation are reflected in virtually all human endeavors to account for our appearance on the earth plane. 

These enterprises have different classifications and nomenclature. They range from the so-called myths through religious dogmas to scientific postulations facts.

As spiritual minded and inclined enthusiasts/practitioners we believe in a Supreme Being, at least. Sort of, probably. This is challenged from many directions. 

The fad of reliance on reason as raison d'etre is one obstacle for enthusiasts and practitioners to identify what they are looking for. In other words, what can not be demonstrated is not scientific and does not merit consideration.

Another is the treatment of belief in God religion as an element of culture. Consequently, we react to other religions along the line: Don't feed me any %$#@ about your culture religion. Mine is adequate if not superior. Don't try to be  condescending. 

These attitudes erect walls in the way of  collection and utilization of useful information. In other words, we shut out the good and bad when religion sacred texts are regarded as an extension of any culture.

These cacophonies from competing camps on  the correct or right account of the origin and purpose of life and, as mentioned, our desire to be reasonable accept only demonstrable evidence further complicates the predicament.

The release of facts from Sacred the History, courtesy of The One, is an opportunity for seekers to put their spiritual houses and priorities in order. 

Emergence of the universe was neither by accident nor by the methods religions and philosophical doctrines propagate.
Before that the entity was among those when the forces of the Universe came together, when upon the waters there was the sound of the coming together of THE SONS OF GOD – The morning stars sang together, and over the face of the waters there was the voice of the glory of the coming of the planes for man's indwelling. (341-1) 

Popular creation stories abound in various cultures/religions across the globe. The most popular ones are found in numerous religious/sacred texts. The doctrine of creation ex nihilio is interwoven into these explanations. 

In others, deemed by scholars to be myths-ex nihilio is often lumped into this category, the theme of creation is spread over a broad spectrum of allegories about the same event. 

Other prominent accounts dwell on the existence of chaos, lack of form, cracking of a cosmic egg, dismemberment of parts of the Creator, before the commencement of creation. Thereafter, metamorphoses evolution  of emerging species took over. 

The scientific theory of evolution is eerily similar to the teachings of the ancients. Bhagavata states:
When this world had issued out of darkness, the subtile elementary principles produced vegetal seed which animated first the plants; from the plants life passed into fantastical bodies which were born in the ilus of the waters; then, through a series of forms and various animals, it reached MAN.
The book of Manu has the following:
He (man before becoming such) will pass successively through plants, worms, insects, fish, serpents, tortoises, cattle, and wild animals; such is the inferior degree.
Such, from Brahma down to the vegetables, are declared the transmigrations which take place in this world. 
 Sanchoniathonian cosmogony holds that man evolved out of the ilus of chaos. It goes on to touch on the evolution and transformation of all species.

Compare aforementioned ancient teachings to Darwin's: I believe that animals have descended from at most only four or five progenitors.

However, any holistic mind can easily relate any of the preceding concepts to the revelation from the Akashic that the universe came into being when HE MOVED! What say think you? 

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


So much information in the last post. Not in terms of the number of words but the soul-stirring disclosures from The Book of Remembrance. We shall strive not to delve into the practice of vilification to drive home the facts obtained from the Book of Remembrance.

The Sacred Historical account is loaded with answers - directly and inferentially. Furthermore, it  resolves many inconsistencies found in the various profane accounts and theories of how the universe came into being.

For students and enthusiasts of  cosmology and cosmogony especially religious cosmology and esoteric cosmology, fragments of the divulgence from the Akashic are traceable in the various postulations and doctrinaires about the beginning of the universe.

Now, it is time to focus on the salient points of the information retrieved from the Sacred History. The key to the brouhaha about how the universe came into being is lodged in the statement:
“HE MOVED”. Hence as He moved, souls portions of Himself came into being. (263-13)
In essence, The One, The Prime Cause, The Creative Forces or whatever you wish to name Him/Them emanated from “HE MOVED”. 

Unless one wants to be unnecessarily mischievous, to stretch the limits of incredulity or to vent some deep-seated animosity against unnamed foes, the information adequately addresses the fundamental bones of contention between all profane postulations. 

In other words, the emergence of the universe was not a chance occurrence and it did not spring by fiat. That is to say, God created the universe of which the earth is but a speck! However, the time frame is not as literally understood from profane history. 

Put differently, God did not create the world in days as humans count them. Recall:
When it is considered...“a thousand years is as but a day and a day as but a thousand years in the sight of the Lord,” then it may be comprehended that this was colored by the writer's desire to express to the people the power of the Living God – rather than a statement of six days as man comprehends days in the present.

Like all things in nature, the materialization of the different aspects of The Will had to undergo gestation periods to conform with laws. Remember: there is so much order in nature and the laws that regulate were set in motion as HE MOVED. 

Sacred history is not designed to score points or to disprove any theory or doctrine. The Creative Forces deemed it appropriate and momentous to set the records straight, through a channel Edgar Cayce. Dispassionate seekers were and are still thrilled. 

The first part of this series noted: might take a lifetime to meditate on the above facts.... Nevertheless, the statement (...souls portions of Himself came into being.) resonates at the deepest level of your being. You and I were part of the portions that came into being!

So, any talk about part of each being the soul living forever,  going to hell or heaven--we shall explain what these concepts really mean based on evidence from the Book of Records--are metaphors. 

In addition, HE MOVED contextualizes all philosophic, esoteric and religious theories and allegories about the origin of the universe. By the time we discuss the spirit, which motivates most human actions, the reason for disjuncture on the matter will be seen to be mainly superfluous.     

Profane histories' theories and allegories are based on interpretations of  spiritual symbols by different entities. (Read i & ii to catch up or refresh on interpretation).  

As we have shown, translation of spiritual symbols are somewhat more difficult than accessing them. This is exacerbated by human tendency logical minds' natural inclination  to interpret  issues literally. 

For instance, the doctrine of the Divine sparks embedded in every human is an allusion to the soul. There is a teaser from the Akashic--What does " Let there be Light mean?" Is it sunlight or otherwise? 

Well, to get the answer to such questions you have to continue with Christ-Based Spiritual living interaction. As promised, I am not selling anything but just sharing with you--who came into being when HE MOVED!

Watch out for the next part.

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

Monday, April 7, 2014


Humans proffer multifarious explanations on why we are here on earth and in flesh. They form the skeleton of many religions and philosophies. The presentation here is from the Book of Records. 

Based on where we are in this journey, suffice it to state the following:
  • When some souls forcibly incarnated in materiality and were stuck, a group of souls, then still in the spiritual realm, volunteered to manifest in flesh to bail out their kindred who wandered out of the abode of the Creator.
  • The volunteers, on donning flesh, could not overcome the imperfections associated with materiality flesh and blood. Nevertheless, they  introduced the reality of a Creator to the rebelling souls humans.
  • The ideas and teachings of the volunteering souls form the bases of many traditions on creation and the worship of The One God. In addition, forces from the spiritual plane over time reveal information to channels on the issue of mans' relationship with and to God. 
With the benefit of the Akashic Sacred Book of Records, we can now stitch a composite of the events which led to appearance of humans on earth. For sure, this was not God's plan when He willed souls into existence.

Understanding the history will aid spiritual growth and the quest to live according to the precepts of The Master.

What does the Akashic have for us?
In the beginning was the Word, the Word was God, the Word was with God. “HE MOVED”. Hence as He moved, souls portions of Himself came into being. (263-13)
Before that the entity was among those when the forces of the Universe came together, when upon the waters there was the sound of the coming together of THE SONS OF GOD – The morning stars sang together, and over the face of the waters there was the voice of the glory of the coming of the planes for man's indwelling. (341-1)
Before that we find the entity  (5056) was in the Atlantean land, and in those periods BEFORE ADAM was in the earth.  The entity was among those who were the THOUGHT PROJECTIONS...
In that particular experience, there still were those who were physically entangled in the animal kingdom, with the appendages, with cloven hoofs, with four legs, with portions of trees, with tails, with scales, with those various things that Thought Forms had so indulged in as to separate the purpose of God's creation of man as man – not as animal. (2072-8)
Some brought about monstrosities, as those of its associations with beasts of various characters. Hence, those of the styx, satyr, and the like; those of the sea, or mermaids; those of the unicorn, and those of various forms. (364-10)
Among those who first came into the earth's sphere, before it became habitable to human life. Only then, as vision, did the entity view the earth's sphere, and passed to the other spheres about the earth. (228-2)
Then the earth brought forth seed in her season, and man appeared in five places at once – the five senses, the five reasons, the five spheres, the five developments, the five nations. (5748-1)
Q. Did the appearance of what became the five races occur simultaneously?
A. Occurred at once.
Q. Are the places designated for the beginning of the five races correct?
A. As we find – those in the Gobi, the yellow; the white in the Carpathians; the red in the Atlantean and in the American; the brown in the Andean; the black plain and Sudan or in the African. (364-13)
Q. Please explain the statement given in Genesis, “In six days God made the heaven and the earth!”
A. That each may interpret this according to his own comprehension, let each become aware of the power of the Father in His manifestations in the earth. When it is considered (as was later given, or WRITTEN even before this was written) that “a thousand years is as but a day and a day as but a thousand years in the sight of the Lord,” then it may be comprehended that this was colored by the writer's desire to express to the people the power of the Living God – rather than a statement of six days as man comprehends days in the present. Not that such was an impossibility, but rather that men should be impressed by the omnipotence of that they were called on to worship as God. (262-57) 
For did the Master Jesus come by chance? Or was it not according to the preparation made from the very foundations of the world? For as another has indicated, “Without Him there was not anything made that was made.” When ye, as a soul-entity, in the beginning sought companionship with God, losing that companionship with God, losing by choice of that which would satisfy or gratify a material desire only, ye as the Master did, entered again and again, ye come to fulfill the law, the law that brought thy soul into being to be one with Him. (3645)
...IT IS A NATURAL LAW, as has been indicated by the projection of mind into matter, and thus making of itself a separation to become encased in same – as did man (in the beginning.) Then, in that there had been an encasement was there a beginning. Then there must be an end when this must be – or may be – broken; and this began at that particular period. (5749-8)

Though it might take a lifetime to meditate on the above facts, see you later! 

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.


Thursday, April 3, 2014


Acceptance of paradoxes is integral to comprehension and application of spiritual principles. To grasp the big picture about The One, start at the microscopic level. What are we talking about here?
  4. Q-Is it correct when praying to think of God as an impersonal force or energy, everywhere present; or as an intelligent listening mind, which is aware of every individual on earth and who intimately knows everyone's needs and how to meet them?
A. Both. For He is also energies in the finite moving in material manifestation.

The One God is an impersonal force/energy present at all places simultaneously. You may use omnipresent. He is an intelligent listening mind, who is aware of each soul's needs and who has made a way to overcome and master problems on the material plane--learning opportunities. 

May be we can find parallels of His ubiquitousness in nature. What makes all the seasons to repeat  with unfailing predictable frequency? What is responsible for all the planets remaining in orbit for eons of time? 

What triggered the so-called chance commencement, according to some, of the universe? Is it conceivable that there is no order law that governs spiritual growth? And that law is resident in applying Christ's examples. It is that simple!

Furthermore, The One cannot be completely comprehended in materiality. After many appearances in body and flesh  earthly incarnations, the conscious mind might have a blurry idea of the Father. Less dependence on the five senses enhances the quality of the  picture.

But the portion of the mind that is divine knows the reality. The One is the motivative spirit in all that is constructive. The main barrier to come to terms with this actuality is ascription of human values and emotions because we anthropomorphize God. 

Suspension of a three-dimensional mindset is one of the ways to overcome the limitations imposed by body and flesh in spiritual matters.  Start today by thinking about an intuitive way to perceive reality. Have you ever had a hunch, which came to pass?  That was a moment when your inner self burst to the surface.

Seek answers to mundane issues from within. You will definitely experience progress. Little by little, the petals of your inner self would unfold! Be patient. The hunches will become regular insights into issues. This is how we locate and maintain the path of understanding. 

In any situation, just say Christ what would you have me do? Follow up with with a one-minute period of silence. Forget about the issue and go about your normal business. If  you feel an answer, ask this time: Christ do I proceed? Then act based on what you perceive. Do not be afraid. Remember: setbacks should be seen as stepping stones to spiritual growth.   

In addition, try to live according to the fruits of the spirit of Christ. 
The fruits of the spirit of Christ are love, joy, obedience, long-suffering, brotherly love, and kindness. Against such there is no law. The spirit of hate, the anti-Christ is contention, strife, fault-finding, lovers of praise. (281-16)

What was your reaction to:
In each atom, in each corpuscle, is life. Life is what you worship as God. (2968-1)?

How would you relate this to the wave theory and particle theory of light? To me it shows, inter alia, that God/Creative Force/The One is pervasive; is ever present in each of us and there must be a law that governs how we can better understand and cooperate with Him. 

God is not doom and gloom. Humans' understanding(s) of the nature of the Creator change from time to time. Dogmas might be concocted to present a frightening image to keep the masses in line.  However, the reality remains unaltered.The book of Life says:
Not as Moses painted a God of wrath; not as David painted a God that would fight thine enemies; but as the Christ--(who presented Him as) the Father of love, of mercy, of justice. (262-100)  

The One is impartial. He set the Law from the beginning of time. The soul known to us as Jesus, worked over many incarnations to actualize the plan. At the end--with the crucifixion and resurrection--He finalized the path back to The One. The Creative Forces do not need to exhibit human-like emotions. Mercy is available. Love awaits. He remains unchanged.

This concludes the current series on God. 

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Theorists  and scientists can come up with a thousand and one reasons why, due to no prompting, the Big Bang--emergence of the universe as a singularity--just came about. Or push for the recognition of Einstein's static-spacetime paradigm. 

Until they advert their minds to the validity of information retrieved from the Akashic by Edgar Cayce on the subject, their efforts will be circular movements. 

Science relied on the intuitive theory of the atom before an apparatus to observe it was invented. Is it asking for too much to counsel reliance on a yet to be demonstrated Creator of the universe?

Equally, religions--relying on literal interpretations of spiritual realm symbols--decreed the sequence of the origin of life. Unfortunately, the fragmented stories defy common sense natural order and are contrary to records on the spirit plane. Nature operates on the principle of evolution. 

A seed planted today goes through the processes necessary before producing yields. Put differently, gestation is part and parcel of nature. Hence, the idea of sudden creation would generate skepticism and derision.

As such, philosophies and religion contain elements of truth about the matter. However, they fall short of what the Book of Records recorded. In due course, we shall relate the imprints on The Book of Life about the beginnings of life. 

The confusion stems from fragments of the past embedded in each soul. As past co-equals of the spirit realm with The One, something inside us feels it is powerful enough to call the shots. 

However, misuse of the powers hitherto granted us landed us rebelling souls in materiality flesh and blood. The Akashic puts it succinctly:
When this first cause comes into man's experience in the present realm he becomes confused, in that he appears to have an influence upon this force or power in directing same. Certainly! Much, though, in the manner as the reflection of light in a mirror. For, it is only reflected force that man may have upon those forces that show themselves in the activities, in whatever realm into which man may be delving in the moment...
Stay tuned for part four, which will conclude this series on God.

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.