Friday, August 22, 2014


Our excursion through the terrain of Law and Grace takes a necessary and detailed pit-stop at why each soul needs to strive to establish a rapport with The Father and The Way Christ. 

We had shown in earlier posts why and how souls, created for higher purposes, ended up in materiality flesh. You may wish to go back and refresh your memory or to catch up with the evidence from the Akashic posted in this blog.

The Father wants all souls to return to Him, The Source. The journey entails purification of thoughts, words and deeds. The process is made easy with absolute dependence on God's will. 

The dependence must be unequivocal. The results of ceding to the Divine Will include control of nature and freedom from the laws of mind and body. How is this possible?

No wonder, only one soul has achieved this in materiality, Jesus--The Christ. Hence, He is ever ready and willing to step in for those who obey The Law and follow His footsteps.

So, it is still vital to revisit why we need to seek salvation through obedience. At the end of the day, it is incumbent on each individual to willingly surrender self. Notwithstanding, none is under compulsion to follow the requirements.

We turn over to The Akashic:

It is never by chance that a soul enters any material experience; rather by choice. For, the will is the birthright, the manifested right of every soul. It is the gift of the Creator, yet it is the price one pays for material expression.  2464-2
No one enters any experience by chance, but that all may come to know their relationships to the Creative Force.  2891-1
Each entity enters a material experience for a purpose; not accidentally, not by chance. But life and it's expressions are purposeful.  1792-2
We meet very few people by chance, but all are opportunities in one experience or another. We are due them or they are due us certain considerations.  3246-1
Each individual constantly meets self. There are no coincidences, or accidents, that arise in the meeting of people or individuals.  2074-1
Nothing is by chance, but is...a pattern of...the choices made by the entity in its relationships to things, conditions, and...entities.  1825-1
The choice is ours whether to continue along the same trajectories of many lifetimes. They account for all our experiences in this lifetime. Some people may try to, due to egotistic interpretation of the doctrine of exercise free-will, ignorantly present surrender to the Divine Will as an abdication of free-will. How?

Material-minded people use ego-induced logic to frighten the unsure. You lose everything by surrendering to the will of The Father. You are entitled to free-will. 

Such folks fail to realize that in surrendering, each individual makes a choice. Each soul, at some point, will no longer be able to live with the dictates of the conscious mind. 

Then it says you know what, let me try something different. I was led to this path when my soul was exhausted with my ego as a dominant presence. It was ready for a change from the drudgery of dependence on the conscious mind.

Equally, conscious me I was fed up with the conscious part of me. These enabled me to start the process of coming to terms with what God The Creative Forces require of us.  

Ever since, I can attest to remarkable changes--for the better--in my mental attitude towards material experiences. Although, so-called problems have not evaporated, I have an abiding presence of peace. 

The decision to cede control of all issues to The One, through obedience to The Law as taught by The Master, gives me the perspective that the real me is in control! Not the minds of others.

May the light of the love of the Christ be our guide in all activities.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Still on the theme: Law and Grace, we place at your disposal more evidence of why Christ is the only guarantee for coverage under grace and mercy. 

Notwithstanding, any soul is free to go it alone--remember our birthright freewill. Unfortunately, the task becomes onerous because the attendant sacrifice in such a decision is very painful.

On the other hand, it is not enough to acknowledge believe in Christ as the Savior by rote. You have to practice and know it through application--place all your problems in Him and believe He has the solution.

Little by little, you become aware of the facts. From this, you advance from one who believes to who knows! He has experienced whatever bothers you. He was in flesh thirty times. There is no pain He does not know how it feels.

Also, The Law has to be followed, umpteenth mention! In addition to undivided love for The Father, one has to manifest the love and mercy being sought in interactions with fellow humans. As the Akashic notes: 

You'll not be in heaven if you're not leaning on the arm of someone you have helped.  3352-1
All the issues broached above are best seen from the perspectives left on the skein of time The Book of Records:
Man may not have the same idea. Man--all men--may have the same Ideal not the one idea, but "Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God with all thy heart, thine neighbor as thy self." This is the whole law.  3976-8
There is one ideal-- that which manifests in the earth in Christ-Jesus. That should be every entity's ideal--physically, mentally, materially...For, He Is the light, He Is the way, He Is the Truth.  2533-7     
Without the ability to constantly hold before self the ideal as is attempted to be accomplished, man becomes as one adrift.  239-1
Whatsoever an entity, an individual, sows, that must he also reap. That as law cannot be changed. As to whether one meets it in the letter of the law or in mercy, in grace, becomes the choice of the entity. If one would have mercy, grace, love, friend, one must show self in such a manner to those whom one becomes associated. For like begets like.  5001-1
Karmic influences must ever be met, but He has prepared a way that takes them upon Himself, and as ye trust in Him, He shows thee the way to meet the hindrances or the conditions that would disturb thee in any phase of thy experience. For karmic forces are: What is meted must be met. If they are met in Him that is the Maker, the Creator of all that exists in manifestation, as He has promised, then not in blind faith is it met--but by the deeds and the thoughts and the acts of the body, that through Him the conditions may be met day by day. Thus He bought every soul that would trust in Him. For, since the foundations of the world He has paved the ways, here and there entering into the experience of man's existence that He may know every temptation that might beset man in all of his ways. Then in that as the Christ He came into the earth, fulfilling then that which makes Him that channel, that we making ourselves a channel through Him may--with the boldness of the Son--approach the Throne of mercy and grace and pardon.  442-3        
But He is the light, as ye have seen in thine experience--yea in thine experiences through the earth ye, too, have seen the light and lost thy way. And even as He put on flesh that He, too, might know the ways of the flesh, of the desires, of the urges that have wrought in the experiences of men that blindness of self-glory, self-indulgence or self-aggrandizement that has led many astray, even with the forces of Divine at times working through them. For the Spirit is willing, the flesh is weak. And the strength, the influence, the force and power, is by that trust, that faith in Him . . .(1301-1)
In sacrifice there is penance, but grace doth more greatly abound to him who sheds the love of the Father upon those that the body may contact from day to day.  99-8

May the light of the love the Christ be your guide in all activities.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


In the last post, we introduced an allegory about a school. The school is each earthly incarnation. Jesus the Christ incarnated thirty times before attaining Christhood in materiality. The Creative Forces used this to set the pattern for us all.

We shall in due course discuss the facts of reincarnation from the spiritual perspective and show evidence, from The Book of Records how--The Master--Jesus the Christ spoke about it publicly, though in allegorical terms. Each soul needs to purge itself of the ego before reuniting with The One. 

To purge self of carnal desires requires many earthly appearances incarnations on earth as The Master showed us. His saying that any human is capable of replicating His works is premised on this.

Be that as it may, we forge ahead with the talk on Law and Grace. The Law is simple: Love the Lord, thy God, with all thy mind, body and soul; and love thy neighbor as thy self. On the face of it, there is no ambiguity in the requirement. 

However, with knowledge of why souls ended up in flesh, it is easy to identify reasons why adherence to the law is a herculean task for all mortals. As a reminder, humans ended up in flesh because of spiritual rebellion, led by the son of perdition--Lucifer.

We, all souls created in the beginning, went against God's commandment to utilize the birthright freewill constructively in accordance with His intentions. God The Creative Forces are ever constructive but the rebels all souls acted, and we still continue to act, to aggrandize our carnal desires egos. 

Jesus in His final incarnation practicalized the application of The Law. In the process, He left us with many rules and guidelines on how to lead a spiritual life which will conform to The Father's will and purge us of the ego. 

The souls who genuinely strive to practice them, will gradually free themselves from the consequences of piled-up karmic lessons. The aftereffects of violations of The Law are based on what is termed each soul ever meets itself.

Ignorance of this spiritual principle is why we feel God seems not to care when evil things are perpetuated on earth. Know this: whatever one faces in life is, in general, meeting choices it must have made--in the spiritual or physical realms. We will delve into the explanations and paradoxes inherent in this in the future.

For now and forever, know that The Creative Forces are always constructive. Notwithstanding, The Law has to apply or as Jesus put it ... the works of God be made manifest.... Any authority expects compliance with laws.

The Law is a work of God. As such, Jesus healing the blind man, which followed the quote above, provided an opportunity for the work of God to be manifested on the material plane, which is to conform to another law. 

One who follows the path enunciated by Christ still meets self but with a difference. Adherence to the rules and guidelines serve as mitigating factors before The Throne of Power, Might, Grace and Mercy. An individual who strives to comply moves into the category of those covered under grace and mercy. 

In addition to the above, if the same individual creates a rapport with The Christ-Consciousness, then there is an extra pillar of support. Why?   

Well that each remember, it is LAW; and that only in Him - who hath fulfilled the law, replacing it with mercy, love, hope and understanding - can such be wholly comprehended or understood.  2319-1
And as He hath given, "If ye love me, keep my commandments; for they are not grievous to bear. For I will bear them with thee, I will wipe away thy tears; I will comfort the brokenhearted, I will bring all to those in the ways that are in the Wisdom of God for thy expressions through each experience, in each activity of thine." For thy soul in its Wisdom seeketh expression with Him. Smother it not in the doubts and the fears of materiality but in the spirit of love and truth that encompasseth all, and that is open to ye who have set thy hearts, thy faces, toward the love that is in Jesus, thy Friend, thy Brother.  262-105

Lack of expression of a belief in Christ-Consciousness does not necessarily preclude a soul from being covered under the umbrella of grace and mercy; as long as the individual obeys The Law. The burden is quite heavy for such souls. Eventually, it would find The Pattern

Equally, expression of just the belief is not an automatic qualification for coverage under grace and mercy. There are conditions to be met. Here is what the Akashic says:

...not merely by saying, "Yes, I believe Jesus was the Son of God--yes, I believe He died that I might have an advocate with the Father."
Yes, this also,--but what are you doing about it? Are ye living like that? Do ye treat thy brother, thy neighbor, thy friend, thy foe, as though this were true? For no matter what ye say, the manner in which ye treat thy fellow man is the answer to what ye really believe.  3684-1 
From the next post we will share with you the rules and regulations, if you may, registered in The Book of Records from the activities of Jesus the Christ while on earth. 
May the light of the love the Christ be your guide in all activities.