Our excursion through the terrain of Law and Grace takes a necessary and detailed pit-stop at why each soul needs to strive to establish a rapport with The Father and The Way Christ.
We had shown in earlier posts why and how souls, created for higher purposes, ended up in materiality flesh. You may wish to go back and refresh your memory or to catch up with the evidence from the Akashic posted in this blog.
The Father wants all souls to return to Him, The Source. The journey entails purification of thoughts, words and deeds. The process is made easy with absolute dependence on God's will.
The dependence must be unequivocal. The results of ceding to the Divine Will include control of nature and freedom from the laws of mind and body. How is this possible?
No wonder, only one soul has achieved this in materiality, Jesus--The Christ. Hence, He is ever ready and willing to step in for those who obey The Law and follow His footsteps.
So, it is still vital to revisit why we need to seek salvation through obedience. At the end of the day, it is incumbent on each individual to willingly surrender self. Notwithstanding, none is under compulsion to follow the requirements.
We turn over to The Akashic:
It is never by chance that a soul enters any material experience; rather by choice. For, the will is the birthright, the manifested right of every soul. It is the gift of the Creator, yet it is the price one pays for material expression. 2464-2
No one enters any experience by chance, but that all may come to know their relationships to the Creative Force. 2891-1
Each entity enters a material experience for a purpose; not accidentally, not by chance. But life and it's expressions are purposeful. 1792-2
We meet very few people by chance, but all are opportunities in one experience or another. We are due them or they are due us certain considerations. 3246-1
Each individual constantly meets self. There are no coincidences, or accidents, that arise in the meeting of people or individuals. 2074-1
Nothing is by chance, but is...a pattern of...the choices made by the entity in its relationships to things, conditions, and...entities. 1825-1
The choice is ours whether to continue along the same trajectories of many lifetimes. They account for all our experiences in this lifetime. Some people may try to, due to egotistic interpretation of the doctrine of exercise free-will, ignorantly present surrender to the Divine Will as an abdication of free-will. How?
Material-minded people use ego-induced logic to frighten the unsure. You lose everything by surrendering to the will of The Father. You are entitled to free-will.
Such folks fail to realize that in surrendering, each individual makes a choice. Each soul, at some point, will no longer be able to live with the dictates of the conscious mind.
Then it says you know what, let me try something different. I was led to this path when my soul was exhausted with my ego as a dominant presence. It was ready for a change from the drudgery of dependence on the conscious mind.
Ever since, I can attest to remarkable changes--for the better--in my mental attitude towards material experiences. Although, so-called problems have not evaporated, I have an abiding presence of peace.
The decision to cede control of all issues to The One, through obedience to The Law as taught by The Master, gives me the perspective that the real me is in control! Not the minds of others.
May the light of the love of the Christ be our guide in all activities.
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