Tuesday, September 2, 2014


We continue to provide further evidence on why and how any soul can volitionally choose to tap into and benefit from the spiritual largesse of Law and Grace. The alternative is to continue to labor under sacrifice--for penance. 

This is the source of the turmoils any soul faces, which result in emotional and physical pains. With grace and mercy, the pains--though present--are less debilitating because of His promise and His abiding presence.

Invariably, the connection between seeking grace and mercy by living to achieve Christ Consciousness according to The Law will continue to recur.

There has not been the full concept as to the meaning of the blood as shed for the eternal sacrifice, or the law being of none effect in the law itself; that as individuals, in body, in spirit, become the law, it is then as void in their experience--for they are the law! And the law is love, the law is God, the law is circumstance...
He alone is each soul pattern! He is the karma, if ye put thy trust wholly in Him. See? Not that every soul shall not give account for the deeds done in the body, and in the body meet them! but in meeting, in each activity, let the pattern --not in self, not in mind alone, but in Him--be the guide.  2067-2
(Karma) can be met most in Him who, taking away the law of cause and effect by fulfilling the law, establishes the law of grace.  2828-4
It is only as ye forgive that even the Savior, the Christ, is able to forgive thee.  3124-2
Q-What is the law of love?
A-Giving. As is given in this injunction, "Love thy Neighbor as Thyself"..."Love the Lord Thy God with all Thine Heart, Thine Soul, and Thine Body." In this, as in many, we see upon the physical or earth or material plane the manifestations of the law, without the law itself...That Is The Law Of Love. Giving  in action, without the force felt, expressed, manifested, shown, desired  or reward from that given. Not that the law of love does away with other laws, but makes The Law Of Recompense, The Law of Faith, The Law Of Divine, With The Law Of Earth Forces, if you please, of effect, not defective,  but effect.
So we have Love is Law, Law Is love. God Is Love, Love is God
...Now, if we, as individuals, upon the earth plane, have all of the other elementary forces that make to the bettering of life, and have not love, we are as nothing--nothing. 3744-4 
Know in self there are immutable laws, and that as the universe visioned about self is directed by laws set in motion from the beginning, so in man's relationships to same under the law.  2449-1
There are divine or universal laws, as there are nature's laws and their application change according to circumstance, or manner of application through understanding.  2615-1
That ye dwell upon, that ye become;--just as that ye hate suddenly befalls thee. This is natural law.  2034-1
Remember, Love is law, and Law is Love, and with the measure that same is meted the same is meted to self. Through every channel does this law hold good, whether of the mental, spiritual or the physical being of man.  270-15
As Jesus, the man, that is in relationship to thyself,--as He applied the law. He made Himself equal with the law, by becoming the law. No doubt, no fear, no animosity, no self--but selfless in God's purpose.This overcomes the law as related to all phases of materiality, including gravity. 2533-7
Practice...charity to all, love to all; finding fault with none; being patient with all, showing brotherly love and brotherly kindness. Against these there is no law. And...by the application of them...ye become free of the laws that are of body or of mind; for ye are then conscious of being one with the Creative Forces.  1620-1  
Man by his compliance with divine law bring order out chaos; or, by his disregard of the associations and the laws of divine influence, bring chaos and destructive forces into his experience.  416-7
And if thy life is disturbed, if thy heart is sad, if thy body is racked with pain, it is thine bungling of the laws that are as Universal as Life itself.  281-27
Don't think the body is a haphazard machine, or that the things which happen to individuals are chance. It is all law!  2067-1
The basis, the beginning of law carries all the way through. And that which comes or begins first is conceived in spirit, grows in the mental, manifests in the material.  2072-10
All one sees manifest in a material world is but a reflection or shadow  of the real or spiritual life. Brotherhood, then, is an expression of the fellowship that exists in the spiritual life.  262-23
In whatever position self occupies, force self to be content but not satisfied, knowing that the application of the spiritual, mental, and physical laws are  but the pattern one of other.  349-6
The fourth dimension then being that condition as is reached wherein physical objects are spiritually understood, spiritual objects are physically understood.  900-66
Whatever there may be conceived by the mind of a body, it finds its replica in a material experience; for with the body, mind and spirit does one present itself wholly acceptable unto the divine, whatever that may be made in the terms of worshipfulness; for in the spiritual one lives, moves, and has one's being--and [if] the spirit is willing, the flesh will follow, will the mental [to] build in that direction that they are kept in accord one with another.  454-1
We have the first three laws in the activity of spirit in matter in the earth.
Preservation of self; perseverance in perpetuation of self, by impregnation of matter to become a reproduction of itself; and--the like begets like.  5756-11

Let the light of the love of the Christ be our guide in all activities.

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