Friday, May 23, 2014


We often counsel you to communicate with the Christ-Consciousness. Since there are lots of chatter on the spiritual plane and its environs, it is important to share with you how to separate the seed from the chaff

A true practitioner of Christ-Consciousness based spiritual living should be keen to receive The Master's guidance and direction almost always. How do we ascertain His identity whenever He does speak?

Like new born babies, it is innate in us to pick out our parents' Master's voice in any crowded environment. To achieve this we have to study how He speaks and His verbal mannerisms

The ego can be loud up to the point of leading an unprepared soul astray. Furthermore, the spirit of darkness Lucifer uses the ego too. In other words, without training it is easy to be mislead.

The Master, as we pointed out in another discussion, is the most friendly of all the Forces on the spiritual plane. This is, strictly, based on a personal experience, not from The Book of Remembrance. 

May be, because He had experienced more than whatever any soul would ever go through on the earth plane, it is easy for Him to relate to and assist a struggling individual. Of course, you have to genuinely seek first!

The Book of Remembrance counsels seekers  Israelites to read especially John chapters 14 - 17. It goes on to add that He talks to anyone who seeks Him with the statements contained therein. Also, the Akashic refers students on the path to read Deuteronomy chapter 30 and Exodus 19:5. 

May we add that you should read from verses 3-6 to grasp the context. Deuteronomy and Exodus readings when executed at least daily, would go a long way to keep the soul grounded in the arduous task of weaning self from dependence on the ego. 

In addition, it would lay the groundwork for the inner self to reestablish familiarity with how The One speaks. Most important, it will serve as a reserve to be tapped into by the soul when doubts and fears, latent in each of us, arise. 

With time, as doubts and fears arise and are quashed spiritually- with His aid, you would ultimately get a glimpse into what heaven on earth means! 

Remember: allowing the will of the Creator to prevail is the beginning of heaven on earth. With this mindset, you will come to the realization that no matter the situation, the promise that He cares is an evergreen truth.

May the Christ-Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


We purposely left unasked an important question till this moment. Why are you interested in leading a spiritual life? Many esoteric and religious organizations advertise their presence with catchy headlines. One of such by the former is thoughts are things which you can harness--and, may we add, for what purposes? 

This site has never been promoted. When the student is ready the Master will appear is one principle that is, probably, least understood but has never failed. The truth requires no champion for it is the Champion of champions! No man can ever stop the Sun from shining on the earth.

Many a student on the path, as neophytes and initiates of mystical schools are designated, are drawn initially by the dream of controlling their destiny! In other words, they ignorantly and erroneously associate material comfort and imposition of self-will on the material plane with oneness with the Divine and co-creating with God. 

They are wont to project and visualize the best for themselves and loved ones. These are continuation of the practices that landed us in matter in the first instance. The book of Remembrance counsels against projecting and visualizing. This will form the basis of a future discussion.

But Christ's actions run contrary to such human tendencies.  By the way, anyone who strives to follow a Christ-Based way of life is a student on the path too. So, you are a student on the path also! 

Jesus laid the groundwork for anyone who wants to be an independent student on the path. He showed, through His actions and teachings--mainly through stories--how you can become an initiate with Him as The Master of your lodge! 

Today, we highlight some common denominators in virtually all His earthly activities. He was not a stickler for the letter of  the law and never used His unlimited psychic powers to bail Himself out of dangerous situations. However, He never hesitated to use the powers to assist individuals who genuinely sought help. 

Put differently, Jesus never acted to pump up His ego. Through His many incarnations and sufferings, He learned to obey the Will of the Father in His personal affairs. This is one of the greatest keys to success hidden in plain view.

From parts of The Book of Remembrance, discussed so far,  self-aggrandizement is one of the reasons why souls got trapped in matter. The urges to act to satisfy carnal desires self and not the Divine is innate in all human beings. 

It started with the initial rebellion in spirit. Learning how to restrain and finally eliminate self-aggrandizing motives them, like The Master did, is the main reason why souls you and I continue to reincarnate in flesh.

When confronted with tough situations, before anything, silently recite: Not my will, but thine O God, be done in and through me. Believe it and allow things to pan out as He wills! This is very potent if followed with religious fidelity.

As mentioned earlier, Christ allowed the will of the Father to prevail in His personal matters.  To be a practitioner, you have to follow in His footsteps. Ease your ego aside gradually with the prayer. With time, you shall come to see how shortsighted man can be.

As a practitioner of Christ-based spiritual living, to walk the talk means trying to follow His precepts and emulate His actions in any circumstance. In addition to the recital, ask: Christ, what would Thou have me do?

Since we are students on the path, let the Akashic speak to close this discussion.
 For as has been given, He was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without error. Yet He bore in the body, the sufferings of the body; want, loneliness, forsaken; and all that play upon the emotions of the bodily functions; knowing within self the abilities of self to by the mere word, by the speaking to the influences, eradicate this entirely. (1440-2)

May the Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


At times, one is so used to something that a reminder is needed to reiterate the obvious. Christ-Based spiritual living, as an activity on the physical realm, needs this too. 

The talk about Christ, ad infinitum on this blog, deals mainly with the Christ Consciousness. You see, Jesus was the Man and Christ is the Consciousness. Jesus, the Man, was crucified, He died and was buried. Christ has been Christ in all ages!

After three days, The Christ Consciousness overcame death and took possession of its vessel--Jesus. This is why the tomb was empty but some of the clothing materials were left in place. This demonstration of Divine Will and Power in action, still, had to obey laws of the material plane. God is not tyrannical!

In other words, the transformation of the interred body, like all things in nature, was subject to the laws governing the earth plane. The unimaginable but true occurrence can only be summed up, not explained with a three-dimensional vocabulary. 

The body, which was devoid of life for three days had its vibrations raised up to the point of not only having life restored, but also becoming one with the ether yet capable of materializing whenever He wills--it is from thence a Force. 

Hence, according to Scripture and confirmed by the Akashic, The Master warned Mary Magdalene not touch Him immediately after the resurrection. 
17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God. (John 20)

Jesus the man was a regular guy who lived an exemplary life in His final earthly incarnation. His earthly examples are what we strive to emulate without equivocation. He is a very jovial Force. Existence on the spiritual plane is measured in terms of rates of vibrations. Though, as mentioned above, the  forces can materialize, if and when necessary.

He never shied away from mixing with the masses. He was more at home with them than the worldly-wise. He socialized more than any other divine messenger. Well, He was neither a messenger nor a prophet. He is the only Master!

Some might want to dismiss His actions along this line: He could do anything because He was The Word made perfect in flesh. In as much as this is true, remember that any soul encased in flesh, has to obey the laws of the physical dimension.

Jesus did not receive any waiver from The Father. Recall: God is not a respecter of persons but intentions and desires. Most important, the laws must be fulfilled. God leads by perfect examples.

Jesus appeared in flesh thirty times to show all of us that a committed soul can get back to The Source. Unfortunately, His many incarnations are not known to many. The last one is the only one known and dwelt upon by many the profane. 

It is only when we come to the realization that He needed thirty earthly appearances to set the path that His sayings begin to have context.  Without this, His teachings could be erroneously interpreted as asking humans for the impossible!

Put differently, there is the potential to unwittingly condemn self or become impatient when His sayings are interpreted in isolation and without help from above. For example: 
12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. (John 14)     
One who is not conversant with the Book of Remembrance could be discouraged if trying to be as Godly as possible leads nowhere near the assertion by Him above. However, with the benefit of the Akashic we know that it cannot be done in one lifetime.

The spiritual principle for today is: Put your trust completely in Him  The Christ Consciousness. You know what? When you retire at the end of the day, call upon Him to please guide your inner self on how to start a genuine relationship with Him. Prayer is communication. There is no special formula. 

When you rise in the morning, call upon Him to guide your thoughts, words and deeds for the day. Since only God can determine our actions after we make choices, let your request be as sincere as can be. Stick to this routine from now on and the promise below, registered on the skein of time, will never fail.

There should be the reminding that - though He bowed under the burden of the Cross, though His blood was shed, though He entered into the tomb - through that power, that ability, that love as manifested in Himself among His fellow men He broke the bonds of death; proclaiming in that act that there is no death when the individual, the soul, has and does put its trust in Him. (5749-13)
May the Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

Monday, May 12, 2014


Today we have to step away from quoting and analyzing information registered on the skein of time The Book of Remembrance that deal with the creation of the universe and souls. We will provide you some guidelines on what Christ-Based spiritual living entails.

In line with our policy, we shall quote from the Akashic Records to support the principles recommended. For the first time visitor, we do not make up stuff or impose any dogmas here. We try as much as possible to avoid the infiltration of human ideas into our discussions. 

Today, we share with you some principles of Christ-Based spiritual life. This is particularly relevant in an era when almost everyone has an expert opinion on any issue, even if it is beyond his experience and knowledge grade!

We start with what The Book of Remembrance says about dealing with others.
Few people allow others to live their own lives. We want to tell them how; we want to force them to live our way and see things as we see them. Most wives want to tell their husbands what to do, and most husbands want to tell their wives what they can and cannot do!
Have you ever stopped to think that no one else answers to God for you? Nor do you answer to God for others.
If a person will seek first to know himself, then the ability to know another's mind will come. Most of those who will practice it for just a while can develop along this line. But be sure you don't attempt to do God's work! Be content to do your own, and you'll have your hands full!
We have a right to tell people our own personal experiences and let them decide for themselves, but not to force them, for God calls upon every man, everywhere, to look, to heed, to understand for himself.

The Only Master, Christ, sums up the long talk in the admonition judge not and condemn not others, do unto others as you would love them to do unto you. 

Can you promise Him to put the above rules into action in all your thoughts, words and deeds starting from now? It is never too late. It may appear not to be much, but it is certain to turn your life around.

Be patient with your self. What has been part of you over many earthly experiences cannot be erased in days or weeks. Take it one day at time and when you catch yourself going against the principles, smile and tell the ego to please cooperate! 

The ego is the conscious mind. It is discarded at death transition to another state of consciousness. The subconscious becomes the conscious mind of each soul at transition. The superconscious mind then becomes the subconscious mind.

What the Akashic states about the almighty ego.
So often it is the ego so enrapt in self, that it constantly fears it will lose its importance, its place, its freedom. Yet to have freedom in self, give it! To have peace in self, make it! These are immutable laws... For in patience possess ye your souls. In patience you become aware that the body is but a temple, an outward edifice. But the mind and soul are the permanent furnishings thereof--the essentials in which you shall constantly abide.

May the Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


After God's projection of Amilius into being, The One and His first creation went about co-creating other aspects of God's master plan for the universe. As we have seen from imprints on the Book of Remembrance, the process spanned periods that are not expressible. 

As such, any account of creation that calculates the period it took in human terms should be treated as symbolic. Creation of souls was towards the end of the blueprint. The Akashic tells us that the willing into existence of souls was for the dual purpose of companionship and  continuous co-creating.

After all, the first creation, Amilius, acquiesced and worked in tandem with the Divine Will during the creation of the universe. Once more, this is why scriptures normally use the terms we and us in depicting how God speaks to humans, especially on the formation of the universe. 

Souls were willed into existence as part of the joint operation at the ordained time. Like Amilius, each soul is imbued with  god-like powers and free will. The intention was for all souls to remain with the Creator on the spiritual plane. Most important, exercise of the god-like powers must be for constructive purposes and never to gratify selfish desires. 

The new offshoots of God marvelled at the powers at their beck and call.  Unfortunately, some of them strayed towards the outer realms, literally and figuratively. Obviously, this was for self aggrandizement.

Lucifer and his coadjutant, Ariel, were in the vanguard of this act of using free-will against the Divine Intentions. Loyal beings on the spiritual plane, charged with various tasks stepped into the fray. 

Remember, God does not pry into our choices. He only determines motives after we make a choice. Then the law or grace takes over. We shall address this in the next post.

The rebelling souls, had willed many thoughts forms into objects on the spiritual plane. It was only a matter of time before they crystalized on the material plane. The earth is the only laboratory for souls to test spiritual theories thoughts. Try as much as the loyal beings archangels did, the Fall of Man could not be reversed.

The responsibility to deal with the insurrection fell on Archangel Haliel and his contingent. He successfully dealt with the insurgency and its leaders. The fallout from this act of insubordination are manifold. For example, stringent rules governing our relationship with The One were  introduced. 

However, they are not based on eternal damnation as religions are wont to scare the unknowing. Is there anything to support this from the Akashic? Yes:
God has not willed that any soul should perish. But hath with every temptation, every trial, every disappointment made a way of escape or for correcting same. It is not a way of justification only...but a way to know, to realize that in these disappointments, separations, there comes the assurance that He cares.
What was the nature of the thought forms that landed souls in materiality? The Book of Remembrance reveals that the wandering souls hovered about the earth plane. They were enchanted with the animals and plants, the only creations designated for the earth, at creation. Of particular interest to the stragglers were sex acts of the animals. 

Relegating divine intentions to the heap of the inconsequential, the souls projected many monstrosities based on their wild imaginations. The materialization of those wild thought projections interfered with and distorted the order on earth. 

Some of the souls envisioned strange things. For instance, some visualized operating with three eyes; others wanted to have human and animal features mixed together in the same body; there were those who thought about sprouting their bodies from trees; etc. Most of the souls wanted to dominate and rule over nature.

Hence, the myths about cyclops, mermaids, sartyrs, unicorns and the like can now be contextualized. Amilius and other beings on the spiritual plane watched in horror and trepidation. They decided to intervene. Their intercession was both in the spiritual and material spheres. 

Amilius led the group of souls who voluntarily ventured out of the  spiritual innermost realm of consciousness to assist those trapped in materiality. In other words, the team was trying to co-create in its classical sense. 

However, once in the physical, every soul is subject to all the  laws lessons and tests of the material plane. Notwithstanding, they entered materiality in Atlantis. For starters, the intervening souls had to contend with the presence of grotesque beings. We shall discuss Atlantis in the future. Atlantis was chosen for many reasons.  

Atlantis was under the control of a group known as the children of Belial. The rescue team led by Amilius was referred to as The Children of One. The children of Belial were part of materialization of the reckless thought forms referenced as giants in the Bible and folklore. They are also spoken of as the sons and daughters of men.

They continued to use the remnants of their god like powers for selfish ends. For example, they fashioned zombie-like entities, which  were used as slaves. Unfortunately, their self-aggrandizing ways--especially not caring for the less privileged and recourse to reckless use of spiritual powers to tackle every issue--did them in.

The Children of One materialized to teach the over-adventurous souls about The One. The main goal was to assist any soul that sought direction on how to get back to the inner realm God. The issue always comes back to free will. 

God will never force anyone to seek or acknowledge Him. However, when you start The One provides assistance. Meanwhile, when Amilius and his group appeared on the earth plane there had been the separation of the sexes. Call to mind: at inception, souls were androgynous. By law, on the spiritual plane there are no sexes-- as in male and female! 

In other to comply with the reality of the separation of sexes, the first female projection was made by the Creative Forces. She was known as Lilith. The Akashic denotes Lilith as a helpmeet for Amilius. They were the forerunners of Adam and Eve. 

Let's fall back to The Akashic:
Before that we find the entity  (5056) was in the Atlantean land, and in those periods BEFORE ADAM was in the earth.

The intentions of the rescue team notwithstanding, encasement in flesh opened them up to more than they bargained for. You see, the drag of the veil of materiality reduces the higher rates of vibration of the soul. Put differently, there is no perfection in flesh. We all have to learn how to overcome through spiritual living! 

Inevitably, the Children of One fell for some of the shenanigans on the earth plane, especially from the children of Belial. The overall situation on all planes of consciousness was very fluid. 

Souls forcing their way into matter, contrary to God's initial plans compelled the Creative Forces to will a new structure capable of housing a spark of the Divine soul. As with all things, the prototype came into being, first, on the spiritual plane.

The completion of this blueprint, as it were, prepared the environment for the projection of the five races mentioned in Part I. Below is a recap:
Then the earth brought forth seed in her season, and man appeared in five places at once – the five senses, the five reasons, the five spheres, the five developments, the five nations. (5748-1)
    Q. Did the appearance of what became the five races occur simultaneously?

    A. Occurred at once.

    Q. Are the places designated for the beginning of the five races correct?

    A. As we find – those in the Gobi, the yellow; the white in the Carpathians; the red in the Atlantean and in the American; the brown in the Andean; the black plain and Sudan or in the African. (364-13)

The account of the projection of five races, left on the skein of time, answers questions that have befuddled humans from the beginning of time. In nutshell, we forced our way into materiality flesh. There we have it. We are in flesh because of acting to satisfy our curiosity selfish desires.

Collectively, we erred in the beginning. As I stated in the initial post or so, you did not get to this blog by accident. Nevertheless, only you can decide what to make of the experiences shared here. If anything encountered does not ring true to you, put it aside for the moment. 

Hopefully, you now know why we are in flesh. Are you interested in keeping up with what the Book of Remembrance teaches on how to overcome the veil of materiality? This is what this blog is dedicated to contribute.

May the Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.