Tuesday, May 20, 2014


We purposely left unasked an important question till this moment. Why are you interested in leading a spiritual life? Many esoteric and religious organizations advertise their presence with catchy headlines. One of such by the former is thoughts are things which you can harness--and, may we add, for what purposes? 

This site has never been promoted. When the student is ready the Master will appear is one principle that is, probably, least understood but has never failed. The truth requires no champion for it is the Champion of champions! No man can ever stop the Sun from shining on the earth.

Many a student on the path, as neophytes and initiates of mystical schools are designated, are drawn initially by the dream of controlling their destiny! In other words, they ignorantly and erroneously associate material comfort and imposition of self-will on the material plane with oneness with the Divine and co-creating with God. 

They are wont to project and visualize the best for themselves and loved ones. These are continuation of the practices that landed us in matter in the first instance. The book of Remembrance counsels against projecting and visualizing. This will form the basis of a future discussion.

But Christ's actions run contrary to such human tendencies.  By the way, anyone who strives to follow a Christ-Based way of life is a student on the path too. So, you are a student on the path also! 

Jesus laid the groundwork for anyone who wants to be an independent student on the path. He showed, through His actions and teachings--mainly through stories--how you can become an initiate with Him as The Master of your lodge! 

Today, we highlight some common denominators in virtually all His earthly activities. He was not a stickler for the letter of  the law and never used His unlimited psychic powers to bail Himself out of dangerous situations. However, He never hesitated to use the powers to assist individuals who genuinely sought help. 

Put differently, Jesus never acted to pump up His ego. Through His many incarnations and sufferings, He learned to obey the Will of the Father in His personal affairs. This is one of the greatest keys to success hidden in plain view.

From parts of The Book of Remembrance, discussed so far,  self-aggrandizement is one of the reasons why souls got trapped in matter. The urges to act to satisfy carnal desires self and not the Divine is innate in all human beings. 

It started with the initial rebellion in spirit. Learning how to restrain and finally eliminate self-aggrandizing motives them, like The Master did, is the main reason why souls you and I continue to reincarnate in flesh.

When confronted with tough situations, before anything, silently recite: Not my will, but thine O God, be done in and through me. Believe it and allow things to pan out as He wills! This is very potent if followed with religious fidelity.

As mentioned earlier, Christ allowed the will of the Father to prevail in His personal matters.  To be a practitioner, you have to follow in His footsteps. Ease your ego aside gradually with the prayer. With time, you shall come to see how shortsighted man can be.

As a practitioner of Christ-based spiritual living, to walk the talk means trying to follow His precepts and emulate His actions in any circumstance. In addition to the recital, ask: Christ, what would Thou have me do?

Since we are students on the path, let the Akashic speak to close this discussion.
 For as has been given, He was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without error. Yet He bore in the body, the sufferings of the body; want, loneliness, forsaken; and all that play upon the emotions of the bodily functions; knowing within self the abilities of self to by the mere word, by the speaking to the influences, eradicate this entirely. (1440-2)

May the Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

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