Friday, May 23, 2014


We often counsel you to communicate with the Christ-Consciousness. Since there are lots of chatter on the spiritual plane and its environs, it is important to share with you how to separate the seed from the chaff

A true practitioner of Christ-Consciousness based spiritual living should be keen to receive The Master's guidance and direction almost always. How do we ascertain His identity whenever He does speak?

Like new born babies, it is innate in us to pick out our parents' Master's voice in any crowded environment. To achieve this we have to study how He speaks and His verbal mannerisms

The ego can be loud up to the point of leading an unprepared soul astray. Furthermore, the spirit of darkness Lucifer uses the ego too. In other words, without training it is easy to be mislead.

The Master, as we pointed out in another discussion, is the most friendly of all the Forces on the spiritual plane. This is, strictly, based on a personal experience, not from The Book of Remembrance. 

May be, because He had experienced more than whatever any soul would ever go through on the earth plane, it is easy for Him to relate to and assist a struggling individual. Of course, you have to genuinely seek first!

The Book of Remembrance counsels seekers  Israelites to read especially John chapters 14 - 17. It goes on to add that He talks to anyone who seeks Him with the statements contained therein. Also, the Akashic refers students on the path to read Deuteronomy chapter 30 and Exodus 19:5. 

May we add that you should read from verses 3-6 to grasp the context. Deuteronomy and Exodus readings when executed at least daily, would go a long way to keep the soul grounded in the arduous task of weaning self from dependence on the ego. 

In addition, it would lay the groundwork for the inner self to reestablish familiarity with how The One speaks. Most important, it will serve as a reserve to be tapped into by the soul when doubts and fears, latent in each of us, arise. 

With time, as doubts and fears arise and are quashed spiritually- with His aid, you would ultimately get a glimpse into what heaven on earth means! 

Remember: allowing the will of the Creator to prevail is the beginning of heaven on earth. With this mindset, you will come to the realization that no matter the situation, the promise that He cares is an evergreen truth.

May the Christ-Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

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