Monday, May 12, 2014


Today we have to step away from quoting and analyzing information registered on the skein of time The Book of Remembrance that deal with the creation of the universe and souls. We will provide you some guidelines on what Christ-Based spiritual living entails.

In line with our policy, we shall quote from the Akashic Records to support the principles recommended. For the first time visitor, we do not make up stuff or impose any dogmas here. We try as much as possible to avoid the infiltration of human ideas into our discussions. 

Today, we share with you some principles of Christ-Based spiritual life. This is particularly relevant in an era when almost everyone has an expert opinion on any issue, even if it is beyond his experience and knowledge grade!

We start with what The Book of Remembrance says about dealing with others.
Few people allow others to live their own lives. We want to tell them how; we want to force them to live our way and see things as we see them. Most wives want to tell their husbands what to do, and most husbands want to tell their wives what they can and cannot do!
Have you ever stopped to think that no one else answers to God for you? Nor do you answer to God for others.
If a person will seek first to know himself, then the ability to know another's mind will come. Most of those who will practice it for just a while can develop along this line. But be sure you don't attempt to do God's work! Be content to do your own, and you'll have your hands full!
We have a right to tell people our own personal experiences and let them decide for themselves, but not to force them, for God calls upon every man, everywhere, to look, to heed, to understand for himself.

The Only Master, Christ, sums up the long talk in the admonition judge not and condemn not others, do unto others as you would love them to do unto you. 

Can you promise Him to put the above rules into action in all your thoughts, words and deeds starting from now? It is never too late. It may appear not to be much, but it is certain to turn your life around.

Be patient with your self. What has been part of you over many earthly experiences cannot be erased in days or weeks. Take it one day at time and when you catch yourself going against the principles, smile and tell the ego to please cooperate! 

The ego is the conscious mind. It is discarded at death transition to another state of consciousness. The subconscious becomes the conscious mind of each soul at transition. The superconscious mind then becomes the subconscious mind.

What the Akashic states about the almighty ego.
So often it is the ego so enrapt in self, that it constantly fears it will lose its importance, its place, its freedom. Yet to have freedom in self, give it! To have peace in self, make it! These are immutable laws... For in patience possess ye your souls. In patience you become aware that the body is but a temple, an outward edifice. But the mind and soul are the permanent furnishings thereof--the essentials in which you shall constantly abide.

May the Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

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