Still on the theme: Law and Grace, we place at your disposal more evidence of why Christ is the only guarantee for coverage under grace and mercy.
any soul is free to go it alone--remember our birthright freewill.
Unfortunately, the task becomes onerous because the attendant sacrifice in such
a decision is very painful.
the other hand, it is not enough to acknowledge believe in Christ
as the Savior by rote. You have to practice and know it through
application--place all your problems in Him and believe He has the solution.
by little, you become aware of the facts. From this, you advance from one who
believes to who knows! He has experienced whatever bothers you. He was in
flesh thirty times. There is no pain He does not know how it feels.
The Law has to be followed, umpteenth mention! In addition to undivided love
for The Father, one has to manifest the love and mercy being sought in
interactions with fellow humans. As the Akashic notes:
All the issues broached above are best seen from the perspectives left on theYou'll not be in heaven if you're not leaning on the arm of someone you have helped. 3352-1
Man may not have the same idea. Man--all men--may have the same Ideal not the one idea, but "Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God with all thy heart, thine neighbor as thy self." This is the whole law. 3976-8
There is one ideal-- that which manifests in the earth in Christ-Jesus. That should be every entity's ideal--physically, mentally, materially...For, He Is the light, He Is the way, He Is the Truth. 2533-7
Without the ability to constantly hold before self the ideal as is attempted to be accomplished, man becomes as one adrift. 239-1
Whatsoever an entity, an individual, sows, that must he also reap. That as law cannot be changed. As to whether one meets it in the letter of the law or in mercy, in grace, becomes the choice of the entity. If one would have mercy, grace, love, friend, one must show self in such a manner to those whom one becomes associated. For like begets like. 5001-1
Karmic influences must ever be met, but He has prepared a way that takes them upon Himself, and as ye trust in Him, He shows thee the way to meet the hindrances or the conditions that would disturb thee in any phase of thy experience. For karmic forces are: What is meted must be met. If they are met in Him that is the Maker, the Creator of all that exists in manifestation, as He has promised, then not in blind faith is it met--but by the deeds and the thoughts and the acts of the body, that through Him the conditions may be met day by day. Thus He bought every soul that would trust in Him. For, since the foundations of the world He has paved the ways, here and there entering into the experience of man's existence that He may know every temptation that might beset man in all of his ways. Then in that as the Christ He came into the earth, fulfilling then that which makes Him that channel, that we making ourselves a channel through Him may--with the boldness of the Son--approach the Throne of mercy and grace and pardon. 442-3
But He is the light, as ye have seen in thine experience--yea in thine experiences through the earth ye, too, have seen the light and lost thy way. And even as He put on flesh that He, too, might know the ways of the flesh, of the desires, of the urges that have wrought in the experiences of men that blindness of self-glory, self-indulgence or self-aggrandizement that has led many astray, even with the forces of Divine at times working through them. For the Spirit is willing, the flesh is weak. And the strength, the influence, the force and power, is by that trust, that faith in Him . . .(1301-1)
In sacrifice there is penance, but grace doth more greatly abound to him who sheds the love of the Father upon those that the body may contact from day to day. 99-8
May the light of the love the Christ be
your guide in all activities.
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