The various profane accounts and theories of creation notwithstanding, it is certain that God willed the universe into existence. What was His intention in creating souls?
Simultaneously, souls came into being in the spiritual plane. The original intention, from The Book of Remembrance, was for souls to remain with The One on this plane. Each soul was endowed with the creative force of God. How can this be verified?
For the purposes of where we are, the following would suffice for now:
realm of consciousness plane. You and I, came into awareness of being in this (spiritual) plane.
In creating souls, The One endowed each with God-like powers. Furthermore, He allowed and still allows each of us unfetteredfreewill freedom of choice. This is why the Akashic says that God gave us freewill even to defy Him! And this the main reason why we are flesh.
The God-like powers bequeathed to souls had one caveat-- we must use them in accordance with the Divine Will. Though it might sound preposterous, God does not actually know what any soul intends to do until an individualchooses decides on a course of action.
This allows the law of love and grace to operate impartially. Anytime a soul realizes the folly of going against the Divine Will, the love of God is what permits reestablishment of spiritual connection. Do not ask me how long this takes. Know this: no man can EVER fool God!
The entity was among those who were the THOUGHT PROJECTIONS...with those various things that Thought Forms had so indulged in as to separate the purpose of God's creation of man as man – not as animal. (2072-8)In the beginning, when The One Moved, God's will manifested in the coming into being of His thought forms. Among other things, they set up the laws that govern the universe and the commencement of the gestation period, in accordance with the ordained laws, before materialization of the components.
Simultaneously, souls came into being in the spiritual plane. The original intention, from The Book of Remembrance, was for souls to remain with The One on this plane. Each soul was endowed with the creative force of God. How can this be verified?
For the purposes of where we are, the following would suffice for now:
The morning stars sang together, and over the face of the waters there was the voice of the glory of the coming of the planes for man's indwelling. (341-1)
...with those various things that Thought Forms had so indulged in as to separate the purpose of God's creation of man as man – not as animal. (2072-8)Focus on the the following closely:
- ...coming of the planes for man's indwelling
- ...Thought Forms had so indulged in as to separate the purpose of God's creation of man as man – not as animal
In creating souls, The One endowed each with God-like powers. Furthermore, He allowed and still allows each of us unfettered
The God-like powers bequeathed to souls had one caveat-- we must use them in accordance with the Divine Will. Though it might sound preposterous, God does not actually know what any soul intends to do until an individual
This allows the law of love and grace to operate impartially. Anytime a soul realizes the folly of going against the Divine Will, the love of God is what permits reestablishment of spiritual connection. Do not ask me how long this takes. Know this: no man can EVER fool God!
Due to the power at their disposal, souls led by Lucifer and his lieutenant Ariel led a rebellion. What was this nature of this uprising? Using the powers at their disposal contrary to The ONE's will. How was it executed? Projecting selfish desires into thought forms. Where? In spirit. And what were the consequences?
The entity was among those who were the THOUGHT PROJECTIONS...with those various things that Thought Forms had so indulged in as to separate the purpose of God's creation of man as man – not as animal.
These, then, are the manners in which the entities, those beings, those souls, in the beginning partook of, or developed. Some brought about monstrosities, as of its (that entity's) association by its projection with its association with beasts of various characters. Hence those of the Styx, satyr, and the like; those of the sea, or mermaid; those of the unicorn...those that sort forms in minerals--and being able to be that the mineral was. (364-10)
Projection of thoughts to satisfy self or the lowest denominator in us contaminated the rebelling souls, for lack of a better word. Thoughts are things. The acts separated the souls from the Source. The detachment imprinted a spiritual dross on those souls, which needed to be cleansed before they can, individually, reconnect to the Source.
Hence, anytime I act to aggrandize self, I know it adds to my spiritual impurities. To lessen this, whenever I catch myself trying to act to satisfy self I pray thus:
Not my will, but thine, O God, be done in and through me.
Likewise, in dealing with others, especially those who self consider strange, awkward, wrong, etc., I immediately call to mind:
Try to see self in other's place. And this will bring the basic spiritual forces that must be the prompting influence in the experience of each soul, if it would grow in grace, in knowledge, in understanding; not only of its relationship to its fellowman, but its relationship in the home and in the social life. (2936-2)
In a nutshell, the mutinous souls got entangled in different aspects of physicality on the earth plane. From what has been gleaned from the Book of Remembrance, the origins of mythical creatures noted above and in folklore are now known.
Lets tap into the Akashic accounts again.
Lets tap into the Akashic accounts again.
...All souls in the beginning were one with the Father. The separation or turning away brought evil. (262-56)
Error or separation began before there appeared what we know as the earth, the heavens; or before space was manifested. (262-115)
In the beginning, as matter was impregnated with spirit of the creative influence, there came into being Man...
That matter became impregnated with spirit arose from the very fact that spirit (separated) had erred, and only through the environ of matter (or flesh) might the attributes of the source of good be manifested.
For, the spirit of evil has not, did not, become manifested in matter; only has it moved by or upon or through matter...
What separated spirit from its first cause, or causes good and evil?
Desire! Desire! (5752-3)
Meanwhile, some souls on the spiritual plane watched in bewilderment and pity at what had transpired with their kindred ensnared in matter. The souls entangled in materiality formed the first encasement of souls in matter. As it has been shown, this was not God's plan when He created souls.
Nevertheless, out of love and freedom of choice bestowed on entities, He did not stop the enterprise of souls on the spiritual plane. In fact, at a point He joined the scheme to prepare a way for errant souls that want to return to Him.
Is there any evidence of the emergence and existence of those souls from the spiritual plane in any profane account of creation? We shall try to look at this next time.
May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.
Is there any evidence of the emergence and existence of those souls from the spiritual plane in any profane account of creation? We shall try to look at this next time.
May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.
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