Today, we shall examine and show how elements of the Akashic account of creation are reflected in virtually all human endeavors to account for our appearance on the earth plane.
These enterprises have different classifications and nomenclature. They range from the so-called myths through religious dogmas to scientificpostulations facts.
These enterprises have different classifications and nomenclature. They range from the so-called myths through religious dogmas to scientific
As spiritual minded and inclined enthusiasts/practitioners we believe in a Supreme Being, at least. Sort of, probably. This is challenged from many directions.
The fad of reliance on reason as raison d'etre is one obstacle for enthusiasts and practitioners to identify what they are looking for. In other words, whatcan not be demonstrated is not scientific and does not merit consideration.
The fad of reliance on reason as raison d'etre is one obstacle for enthusiasts and practitioners to identify what they are looking for. In other words, what
Another is the treatment of belief in God religion as an element of culture. Consequently, we react to other religions along the line: Don't feed me any %$#@ about your culture religion. Mine is adequate if not superior. Don't try to be condescending.
These attitudes erect walls in the way of collection and utilization of useful information. In other words, we shut out the good and bad whenreligion sacred texts are regarded as an extension of any culture.
These attitudes erect walls in the way of collection and utilization of useful information. In other words, we shut out the good and bad when
These cacophonies from competing camps on the correct or right account of the origin and purpose of life and, as mentioned, our desire to be reasonable accept only demonstrable evidence further complicates the predicament.
The release of facts from Sacred the History, courtesy of The One, is an opportunity for seekers to put their spiritual houses and priorities in order.
Emergence of the universe was neither by accident nor by the methods religions and philosophical doctrines propagate.
Before that the entity was among those when the forces of the Universe came together, when upon the waters there was the sound of the coming together of THE SONS OF GOD – The morning stars sang together, and over the face of the waters there was the voice of the glory of the coming of the planes for man's indwelling. (341-1)
Popular creation stories abound in various cultures/religions across the globe. The most popular ones are found in numerous religious/sacred texts. The doctrine of creation ex nihilio is interwoven into these explanations.
In others, deemed by scholars to be myths-ex nihilio is often lumped into this category, the theme of creation is spread over a broad spectrum of allegories about the same event.
Other prominent accounts dwell on the existence of chaos, lack of form, cracking of a cosmic egg, dismemberment of parts of the Creator, before the commencement of creation. Thereafter,
The scientific theory of evolution is eerily similar to the teachings of the ancients. Bhagavata states:
When this world had issued out of darkness, the subtile elementary principles produced vegetal seed which animated first the plants; from the plants life passed into fantastical bodies which were born in the ilus of the waters; then, through a series of forms and various animals, it reached MAN.The book of Manu has the following:
He (man before becoming such) will pass successively through plants, worms, insects, fish, serpents, tortoises, cattle, and wild animals; such is the inferior degree.
Such, from Brahma down to the vegetables, are declared the transmigrations which take place in this world.Sanchoniathonian cosmogony holds that man evolved out of the ilus of chaos. It goes on to touch on the evolution and transformation of all species.
Compare aforementioned ancient teachings to Darwin's: I believe that animals have descended from at most only four or five progenitors.
However, any holistic mind can easily relate any of the preceding concepts to the revelation from the Akashic that the universe came into being when HE MOVED! What
May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.
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