Thursday, April 3, 2014


Acceptance of paradoxes is integral to comprehension and application of spiritual principles. To grasp the big picture about The One, start at the microscopic level. What are we talking about here?
  4. Q-Is it correct when praying to think of God as an impersonal force or energy, everywhere present; or as an intelligent listening mind, which is aware of every individual on earth and who intimately knows everyone's needs and how to meet them?
A. Both. For He is also energies in the finite moving in material manifestation.

The One God is an impersonal force/energy present at all places simultaneously. You may use omnipresent. He is an intelligent listening mind, who is aware of each soul's needs and who has made a way to overcome and master problems on the material plane--learning opportunities. 

May be we can find parallels of His ubiquitousness in nature. What makes all the seasons to repeat  with unfailing predictable frequency? What is responsible for all the planets remaining in orbit for eons of time? 

What triggered the so-called chance commencement, according to some, of the universe? Is it conceivable that there is no order law that governs spiritual growth? And that law is resident in applying Christ's examples. It is that simple!

Furthermore, The One cannot be completely comprehended in materiality. After many appearances in body and flesh  earthly incarnations, the conscious mind might have a blurry idea of the Father. Less dependence on the five senses enhances the quality of the  picture.

But the portion of the mind that is divine knows the reality. The One is the motivative spirit in all that is constructive. The main barrier to come to terms with this actuality is ascription of human values and emotions because we anthropomorphize God. 

Suspension of a three-dimensional mindset is one of the ways to overcome the limitations imposed by body and flesh in spiritual matters.  Start today by thinking about an intuitive way to perceive reality. Have you ever had a hunch, which came to pass?  That was a moment when your inner self burst to the surface.

Seek answers to mundane issues from within. You will definitely experience progress. Little by little, the petals of your inner self would unfold! Be patient. The hunches will become regular insights into issues. This is how we locate and maintain the path of understanding. 

In any situation, just say Christ what would you have me do? Follow up with with a one-minute period of silence. Forget about the issue and go about your normal business. If  you feel an answer, ask this time: Christ do I proceed? Then act based on what you perceive. Do not be afraid. Remember: setbacks should be seen as stepping stones to spiritual growth.   

In addition, try to live according to the fruits of the spirit of Christ. 
The fruits of the spirit of Christ are love, joy, obedience, long-suffering, brotherly love, and kindness. Against such there is no law. The spirit of hate, the anti-Christ is contention, strife, fault-finding, lovers of praise. (281-16)

What was your reaction to:
In each atom, in each corpuscle, is life. Life is what you worship as God. (2968-1)?

How would you relate this to the wave theory and particle theory of light? To me it shows, inter alia, that God/Creative Force/The One is pervasive; is ever present in each of us and there must be a law that governs how we can better understand and cooperate with Him. 

God is not doom and gloom. Humans' understanding(s) of the nature of the Creator change from time to time. Dogmas might be concocted to present a frightening image to keep the masses in line.  However, the reality remains unaltered.The book of Life says:
Not as Moses painted a God of wrath; not as David painted a God that would fight thine enemies; but as the Christ--(who presented Him as) the Father of love, of mercy, of justice. (262-100)  

The One is impartial. He set the Law from the beginning of time. The soul known to us as Jesus, worked over many incarnations to actualize the plan. At the end--with the crucifixion and resurrection--He finalized the path back to The One. The Creative Forces do not need to exhibit human-like emotions. Mercy is available. Love awaits. He remains unchanged.

This concludes the current series on God. 

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

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