Saturday, October 25, 2014


Happy to be back. There is no  need to go into any explanation. The situation is what it is and we roll from here. We press the pause button on Law and Grace.

Every day, I hear people talk about fellow human beings in glowing terms. Believers and non-believers nod and possibly shed a tear or two.  The gesture is in accordance with an important spiritual principle. The standard admonishes us to only speak in positive terms about others.

The code is founded on a spiritual norm: There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, it doesn't behoove any of us to speak evil of the rest of us. 

On the other hand, it is rare to hear such unanimous public appreciation of the Creator, the Sustainer, the Giver of life, etc. In our world, twenty-first century, the mention of God in public fora is frowned at, to state it mildly. Believers lead the charge of picking and choosing when God can be injected into mundane affairs. 

Expression of the omnipotence of God in all matters is, generally and ignorantly, regarded as a symptom of backwardness a superstitious mind, for lack of a better term. In other words, acknowledgement of the applicability of the Divine Will in mundane issues is scoffed at. In fact, it is regarded as the exhibition of an unscientific mind.

This piece will not broach a detailed explanation of why the perception is so. Such an exercise will result in a large volume book! Be that as it may, suffice it to note that some religious folks inadvertently provide the fodder for the display of disdain for God ignorance by secularists, gnostics and atheists.

How do believers provide the fodder? They make up rules, which in their opinion tally with what God wants, as society constantly undergoes changes. They try to justify their actions, or lack of thereof, which are antithetical to The Law and Love--a set of guidelines that ought to regulate interpersonal affairs on the physical plane.

The set is: You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, your body, your soul; and your brother neighbor as yourself. The two components are static like the Sun. 

Incomplete grasp of this reality and how it leads man to understand God drives the many misrepresentations about the essence of the Creator. However, spiritual growth will change these misconceptions. Christ-based spiritual living is a compass for soul spiritual growth.   

A Christ-based spiritual living practitioner’s life revolves around The Law and Love. A devout practitioner does not need to justify actions, since the evergreen standard motivates them. Departure from the rule will, almost constantly, result in attempts to rationalize ungodly conducts. A practitioner is not bothered by antagonism towards the Creator.

Why? I know, contrary to what religions’ convey, that God is a loving Father. He is fair but very firm. Free will is the birthright of every soul. The Creator endowed it on each soul at creation. I know God does not want me to impose my will on others. Within every human, there lies a part which resonates with adherence to The Law.

Equally, most humans sense any attempt to brandish and/or impose man-made doctrines as divine obligations. As a result, believers’ insistence on adherence to dogmatic dubious unGod-like tenets on interpersonal issues elicits revulsion. Dissent, in such instances, is a reminder of the innate presence of the Divine Spark in His temple each body.

Thus, secularists have a head start on religionists when it comes to living according to The Law and Love. Most secularists’ ideas are rooted in transcendental principles. Such philosophies, which emphasize The Law and Love, ought to be the foundation of all religions.

In fact, religions and their denominations sprout, in part, to redress highhandedness in spiritual matters departure from The Law and Love. Most often than not, the intended amends give birth to new orthodoxies. A typical case of repeating the same thing and expecting different results.

Consequently, religions seem to, inadvertently, relegate The Law and Love to a secondary position. They cannot help themselves from themselves!  Religions are more concerned with doctrinaire canons, than with the golden rule. So, devotees now find it more difficult to get across their basic message--the reality of a Creator. The average Joe and Mary innately feel the discordant tunes from religious quarters on social issues. 

On the other hand, secularists tend to go way above board in their quest to apply reason to borrowed spiritual principles. Similarly, numerous spiritual-minded individuals feel uncomfortable with this development. Humanity is at a crossroad nowadays. The departure point between religionists and secularists is another kettle of fish. A little background would suffice.

Some mystics, in attempts to repudiate the overbearingness of the Church, abandoned religion.  In disgust, they elevated spiritual principles beyond and above God--just to stick it to the Church. They went a step further: banish the idea of a Creator from the public forum. Replace it with any term, as long as it does not support any creed’s design. This is a classic case of cutting the nose to spite the face.

Ever since, secularist ideas have gained in popularity, and rightly so, because, the premise of most of their thoughts on social issues exemplifies the Creator’s intent on free will as a birthright. Nevertheless, like many human undertakings, secularists’ philosophies--at times--tether on the brink of extremism. 

In order words, secularists’ positions, especially on moral matters, are vulnerable to charges of absolute freedom bordering on encouragement of actions that gratify carnal instincts. 

This explains why religionists, justifiably also, are alarmed by the secularist attitude of anything goes. However, by being reactive, religionists, in many instances, appear to swim against turbulent under currents. They have an advantage of holding the basic spiritual laws. However, because of dilution with cultural flavors, religionists’ will continue to play second fiddle.  This is why Christ-based spiritual living becomes a viable alternative. 

It is a process that transcends religiosity and secularism. Christ-based spiritual living acknowledges the reality of a Creator God and applies this fact to all facets of life on earth. In the sphere of Christ–based spiritual living, justification of actions--based on many rules established in the past to address societal problems orthodoxy--is unnecessary. It guides the practitioner on how to live under The Law and Love

Furthermore, a practitioner is certain about some imperatives. Each soul, with free will as a birthright, has a duty to speak out on the Ideal recommended by the Creator. Going beyond and above this, say to impose values, amounts to deviation from The Law and Love!    

Unintended, but inconsistent, consequences emerge when we juxtapose the concept of a loving Father--portrayed by religions-- with canons contingent upon orthodoxy. Put differently, doctrinaire on some social issues are diametric to The Law and Love

Sole reliance on scriptural evidence to support dogmas is a slippery slope. It accounts for many atrocities in the name of God. History is replete with numerous examples.  Scriptures abound with passages amenable to support deeds that are opposed to the basics of any religion The Law and Love.  

The run-of-the-mill devotee is not trained to treat scripture holistically. It is easy to find a portion from any scripture to justify deeds that run foul of the golden rule. The profane swallow such gimmicks hook, line and sinker. No wonder extremism has its adherents! 

The reality that one law governs all activities on the earth plane is common knowledge among adepts. The Law God manifests in manifold ways, especially in a three-dimensional environment, in materiality, on earth! Notwithstanding, initiates may even differ when the benchmark is the same. When man operates from the Ideal, The Law and Love, there are bound to be differences. What is important is the common denominator. 

I used to misplace my priorities. There were things I felt I could not live without, or so I naively thought. Sadly, carving out time to be in the presence of the Creative Force was thrown into the mix with less important issues. With Christ-based spiritual living tenets I have discovered that there is only one thing I cannot do without: spend quality time with God daily.

The immense benefits are tangible. The proof of this pudding is in eating it! Do not take my words for it. From today, choose a particular time every morning and every evening to remain silent, in a relaxed position, for fifteen minutes in each session. Try it and see what you have been missing.  

Let the light of the love of the Christ continue be our guide in all activities.

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