Tuesday, March 25, 2014


In continuation of the theme on the initial manifestation of souls on the earth plane, lets look at what The One fashioned to deal with the uprising of His creation. For an update or to catch up on the gist, so far, on the topic read.  

Sacred texts were recorded by adepts for two types of audience. One is the profane general public and the other is students on the path initiates. Students on the part are individuals who, through free will, choose to study mans' relationship with The One. 

The Master was a student on the path.  The will of The One must always be done. The terms God, Creative Forces, The Father, The One, The Source etc. refer to one reality - The Creator. 

Christ obeyed and still obeys the Father's will. God's intention was to have a would-be interlocutor  in flesh and blood on the earth's plane experience all earthly scenarios. Why? You shall soon find out.

Laws that sustain the universe were willed into existence by God at creation. A special set of rules was also willed for souls humans when we forced our way into the physical dimension. 

The skeleton of the rules is tripartite: cause, effect and purpose. The rules include a medium of interaction for the essence of each individual - the soul - with the spirit realm. For impartial operation and application of the regulations, the spirit ascertains the intent of thoughts, words and deeds. 

The rules for interaction of humans on earth is called the Law. Individual actions are gauged against the standards of the Law. However, ignorance of the law could be a mitigating factor. Jesus, the man, used this as the guiding principle of all His actions while on the earth plane. 

Knowledge of the Law and acting contrariwise is why souls continue to incarnate on the earth plane to master the Laws. Ultimately, the onus is on each soul to search for and apply the Law to all thoughts, words and deeds. The bottom line is that God The Law operates all the time impartially.  

Our actions determine how the Law affects us. Ignorance of this reality leads the profane to claim God is on our side on mundane issues. You can see why The One is said to be impartial. Inspite of these, 
God has not willed that any soul should perish. He has with every temptation, every trial, every disappointment made a way of escape or correcting same. It is not a way of justification only by faith, but a way to know, to realize that in these disappointments, separations, there comes the assurance that He cares.

Another part of the law is do not judge what you have not experienced or known. Hence, the Will that Christ experience flesh and blood over and over before assuming the title: The Way to the Father.  

Angels and archangels are part of the Law, in some sense. They are part of the interaction medium. The profane mind utilizes one method to relate to spiritual concepts. Anthropomorphize all spiritual entities! As such, God is perceived as an old gray-haired and gray-bearded Man sitting on a throne some where in the sky! 

Likewise, angels and archangels are regarded as humans with little wings. In actuality, manifestations in the spirit dimension can be best described as forces or energies. Force is preferred  because Life Force is what sustains us. They are perceptible on the earth plane for those who attune to their frequency.

Due to the circumstances of their creation, angels and archangels are incapable of merging with The One. Angels are governed by divine laws. Man, on the other hand, is lower than angels by choice - rebellion. However, you can return to the original state of man - being a part of the Creative Forces.

Returning to the original state is the objective of leading a Christ-Based spiritual life. That is why He is called The Way. The easiest and foolproof  path to re-attain  our god-like status is to follow His precepts. There is nothing dogmatic or religious about His teachings.

We all have what may be loosely called guardian angels. They enter when a soul takes possession of a physical body. Some souls do this prior to delivery. Others wait until after delivery. It is impossible to say when this event occurs from a human perspective. 

The reliance on date and time of birth fails to account for this pivotal event. Notwithstanding, the will, especially if made one with the divine, supplants any astrological tendencies. Astrological influences and the roles they play, if any and why, shall be explained in future posting(s).

A guardian angel meets with its charge - in the spirit realm - when the latter considers an earth incarnation. They agree on what lessons, based on sojourns in intervening realms and past earth lives, need to be addressed. 

A pact is reached and the Creative Forces enable the process by creating a body. However, the soul is free to decide otherwise at any time. If it happens after the soul had incarnated in flesh, the individual is said to go against his ideal. An ideal can be switched to The Ideal by human will! 

In addition, the guardian angel and its ilk do provide the mental energy and spiritual energy for the actualization of the tasks on the physical plane. If allowed, it will guide, guard and protect. Recall parts of Psalm 91: 
10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.  
Your guardian angel also serves as your soul's spokesman before The Throne of Power, Might, Grace and Mercy. Though no man, including The Master, has ever seen the Father - for He is spirit - the lines of communication with Him are eternally open. The condition pre-requisite for the guardian angel's duty is the maintenance of the individual's Ideal.

When the Ideal is set Him Christ, who set and showed the way, nothing is impossible. It does not mean the end of trying periods. This is not because of righteousness. For righteousness is an impossible proposition for any soul encased in flesh. 

Rather, it is through the grace of God. You merit this mercy by loving the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul; and treating others as you would want them to treat you.

You may ask, "How about those who never heard about or do not accept The Way?" The Akashic, through Edgar Cayce, says:
 Aid others to walk circumspectly, and not to confuse or disturb any in that in which they are satisfied, or in that which for them constitutes righteousness or sin.                                                              (262-14)
Guardian angels pave and grade the path to attunement with the Creative Forces for health, spiritual nourishment, life etc.. 

Archangels are obviously higher than angels. They are responsible for specific tasks. For instance, during Lucifer's uprising, Archangel Halaliel's court was the major battleground. He fought off Satan's lieutenant Ariel. The same Ariel was in the fore front of the negative energies that tempted Adam beyond his control.

Another archangel of note is Gabriel. He is main responsibility is to announce to the physical plane keynote decisions from the spirit realm. An important but not much heralded archangel is Michael. He is the Lord of the Way. Not The Way. He guards, guides and protects those who seek The Way. He is a no nonsense entity!

There are masters in the spirit realm too. They are part of the interaction medium. Like angels and archangels, they have never experienced physical consciousness.  Nevertheless, during the creation process they had much impact. As Christ said: 
In my Father's house are many mansions

Reference to Christ as the Master of masters is in the sense of masters of the spirit realm. In my understanding, man cannot ordain or bequeath such titles. There are many mansions but only one Way to the Father.

There we have it. Angels, archangels and masters of the spirit realm. Knowledge not applied is as good as the ones not acquired. The essence of this post is to put you on notice on what forces are available for contact and assistance while seeking the Light.

May Christ Consciousness continue to guide your journey towards the Father.

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