Monday, March 17, 2014


A recurring theme in this exploration and education will be: Mention of Christ Consciousness has no religious connotation. My circle of acquaintances spans the gamut of many of the worlds' belief systems. Any time I mention what I am into, my Christian buddies, almost always, jab: Do you believe in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? And He died for your sins?

My old self, full of law school influence, would have been grateful for any opportunity to debate and figuratively step on throats! However, with what I have experienced and learned from Him, (The Christ), now the approach is measured. The standard response is: I know there is Christ. I do not need to believe.

Holy smoke. Heresy in full color. Facial reactions to my harmless assertion are better experienced than narrated. Some do not reflect on the import of my statements. They robotically cry out: So you do not believe that He died so that your sins will be forgiven and you can make it to heaven? Constantly, references are made to the Bible and why I risk being a lifer in hell. I would have been outraged by this.

Now, I understand better. Such encounters provide opportunities for me to assess how far I have come from my proselytizing days while affiliated to different religious and esoteric groups. I also see them as avenues to contextualize many spiritual teachings and principles. The truth needs no champion for it is the champion of champions! 

The goal of Christ-based spiritual living is to demonstrate how practical knowledge trumps dogmatic obeisance. For instance, heaven and hell are states of consciousness created by our actions based on free will. Also, we grow to heaven not go to heaven. Furthermore, no two souls persons have exact levels of spiritual development. Consequently, there is no one size that fits all.

Any one on the earth plane is not here by chance or accident. The Master established the pattern. By incarnating thirty times and at the end sacrificing His life, The Way was set. The Christ Consciousness is now available to anyone who believes, knows and follows His precepts in all spheres of activities. This is how each willing soul would reconnect to the Creative Forces. Self must be conquered.                   

According to the Akashic, Intolerance is ignorance matured. It is not worth it to debate religion from a spiritual perspective. There are obligations in addition to a belief in Him. Believing without following His precepts is like trying to make omelet without cracking eggs. When one comes to this level of understanding, then, belief translates to knowledge of Him. 

As written accounts state and Akashic sources confirm, He stated, over and over, that His burden is not heavy. He did not prescribe onerous requirements. Love thy God with all your heart and love thy fellowman like thy self is the summary of His teachings. This is the key to spiritual enlightenment and practice.

Love from the spiritual perspective is providing assistance to the needy. This does not mean only material things. In fact, material help does not rank very high. But who am I to judge in the first place on this. A smile to a stranger, a word of encouragement to one who is down, resisting the natural urge to judge and condemn rank higher on the spiritual scale of love. 

The greatest display of love is to see something good in anyone who despises you or uses you. Every human being has an element of the Divine within. It might be masked by the dominance of misplaced good evil. How do we know this? By extrapolating what the Master did and the Akashic Sources tell us. For example, what was His reaction to the charges brought against a lady accused of adultery?  He without sin should cast the first stone. He then told the woman to sin no more.

What is sin? Departing from the will of the Creative Forces. In other words, engaging in non-constructive thoughts, words and deeds. It is impossible for anyone to unequivocally claim immunity from any shortcomings. Yet, the sun still shines on all. We all breathe the free air provided by the Creative Forces. 

Even those who do not believe in God are allowed to enjoy the wonderful free gifts of nature. This is the ultimate love. So, love is knowledge that not all souls have evolved to the point of accepting what one deems right or wrong. As such, with this at the back of the mind, it is possible - though not quite easy - to let go of perceived shortcomings from others.

This is what Christ-Based spiritual living is all about. The Creative Forces overlook our shortcomings in the same measure as we give others a break when they err. However, we have to dispense this with the affirmation of our ideals. On the surface, these appear contradictory. Paradoxes are recurring themes in comprehending the operation of spiritual laws. Comprehension of the spirit of higher laws makes seeming paradoxes easy to grapple with.

In affirming our ideals when dealing with others, the intention is what matters. Am I acting to avenge a misdeed or to show tough love? In Christ-Based spiritual living, there is no tough love but loving indifference. The goal of this way of life is to allow the will of God to always prevail in all circumstances. This is heaven on earth.

What can we do to display loving indifference in the face of an issue, say, verbal hostility? Christ Based spiritual living is anchored to prayers. Not praying in the in the orthodox sense. New Age practitioners use the term affirmations to allude to this form of praying. Once you know the essence of communicating with the Creative Forces, it is easy to make up prayers on the fly. You will learn it here.

All situations, cheerful or otherwise, are opportunities to grow spiritually. On our own, because of self, it is easy to slide into selfish acts sin, which we try to justify otherwise. The guarantee against such is to seek guidance from the One who has experienced it all, is waiting and willing to help. How I wish I had known this earlier.

The first prayer when confronted by any situation, say you just won the jackpot!, is to say: Christ, what would you have me do? Do not analyze how He is going to respond or what the options are. Remember, He does not need our input on favored outcome if we genuinely request help. Just ask and forget about it. The guarantee is eternal, the response will come. However, it is only in patience that you possess your soul. Start now and watch how He will step into your life. 

For loving indifference, say, someone has pulled a fast one on you. In addition, to the above prayer add this:
         Father .... is Yours as I am Yours
          I am willing, I forgive
          I present the problems to You
         Use me, use him/her in whatever 
         may be Your will in this matter
 May you remain protected by the white Light of Christ Consciousness 


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