Tuesday, July 15, 2014


We conclude this conversation, for the moment, with further quotes from the Book of Records. They explain in clear terms why following the tenets and practices of mans' only Master--Jesus the Christ--is the path, approved by the God the Creative Forces, to overcome karmic lessons. 

Furthermore, Christ-based spiritual living it will limit additional karmic burdens for individuals and groups on the earth plane. The Akashic information on the issue is unambiguous.

In the beginning He was the Son--made the Son--those of the Sons that went astray; and through the varying activities overcame the world through the experiences, bearing the cross in each and every experience, reaching the final cross with all power, all knowledge in having overcome the world, and of Himself accepted the Cross. Hence doing away with that often called karma, that must be met by all. The immutable law of cause and effect is, as evidenced in the world today, in the material, the mental and spiritual world; but He--in overcoming the world, the law--became the law. The law, then becomes as the school-master, or the school of training, and we who have named the Name then, are no longer under the law as law, but under mercy as in Him. 262-36
At-onement is making self's will one with he Creative Forces that may become the impelling influence in thought, in mind, that is the builder to every act of a physical, mental or material body...
The shedding of the blood in the man Jesus made for the atoning of all men, through making Himself at-onement with the law and with love. For, through love was brought the desire to make self and His brother in at-onement. Hence in the atoning or shedding of the blood comes the redemption to man, through that which may make for his--man's--at-onement.  262-45
In that the man, Jesus, became the example of the flesh, manifest in the world, and the will one with the Father, He became the first to manifest same in the material world. Thus, from man's viewpoint, becoming the only, the first, the begotten of the Father, and the example to the world, whether Jew, Gentile, or of any other religious forces. In this we find the true advocate with the Father, in that He, as man, manifest in the flesh the ability of flesh to make fleshly desires one with the will of the spirit...and in this we find He takes on all law, and a law unto Himself, for with the compliance, of even an earthly or material law, such a person is the law, and in that Jesus lived as a man, and died as man, and in that became the example to all who would approach the throne of God. 900-17
In the life, then, of Jesus, we find the oneness made manifest through the ability to overcome all of the temptations of the flesh, and the desires of same, through making the will one with the Father...Man, through the same channel, may reach that perfection, even higher than the angel, though he attend the God. 900-16
Unless each individual put away those selfish desires which arise and becomes as little children, one may never quite understand the simplicity of Christ's faith; Christ-like faith, Christ-like simplicity, Christ-like forgiveness, Christ-like love, Christ-like helpfulness to others. 1223-9
For even in Elijah or John we find the faltering, the doubting. We find no faltering, no doubting, no putting aside of the purpose in the Master Jesus. 3054-4
As the sons of God came together and saw in the earth the unspeakable conditions becoming more and more for the self-indulgence, self glorification, the ability to procreate through the very forces of their activity, we find our Lord, our Brother chose to measure up, to earn, to attain that companionship for man with the Father through the overcoming of self in the physical plane. 262-115
It was not in the separation as John, not in the running away as Elijah, not as sitting in high places as Isaiah, not as in that form of Jeremiah--mourning; not in that lording as Moses--but all things to all men! reaching them in their own plan of experience; and not with long-facedness.
For as He--He wined, He dined with the rich, He consorted with the poor, He entered the temple on state occasions; yea He slept in the field with the shepherds, yea He walked by the seashore with the throngs, He preached to those in the mount--all things; and yet ever ready to present the tenets, the truths, even in those forms of tales, yea parables, yea activities that took hold upon the lives of men and women in every walk of human experience. 1472-3
(Man) has an advocate with the Father through Him that gave Himself as a ransom. How? For, as the impulses in self arise, know those impulses have arisen in Him; yet through the ability to overcome death in the material world is His presence able to abide with thee. 524-2

We do not need to add to the above. As He, Jesus the Christ, often said: Let those who have ears hear!

May the light of the love of the Christ be your guide in all activities.

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