It is appropriate for us to consider the place of Christ-Consciousness as it relates to all the religions known to mankind from the beginning of time and forever. Put differently, does religious affiliation debar one from practicing a Christ-based spiritual life?
In other words, should the practice of Christ-based spiritual living be limited to membership of any religion or philosophy? Or should it be seen as the apogee of the quest--from any direction--to abide byGod's Creative Forces' rules for us?
To clear up any misconception(s), let us add the Akashic's definition of the term Israel before continuing.
We now continue with what the Book of Records has for us on the role of Christ in all religions and philosophies that have been and will ever come about on the earth plane.
Remember, Christ Consciousness has been, from the beginning of time, on the spiritual plane. Manifestations of same on the physical plane thirty times--culminating in the attainment ofit Christhood while in human body by Jesus--and the attendant establishment of a path towards God is what Christ based spiritual life is all about.
We have just read what the Book of Remembrance spells out as the essence of a spiritual life. Having come this far, remain steadfast in prayer: Let Him guide you daily and every moment to maintain the arduous task of manifesting His love in thoughts, words and deeds.
May the light of the love the Christ be your guide in all activities.
In other words, should the practice of Christ-based spiritual living be limited to membership of any religion or philosophy? Or should it be seen as the apogee of the quest--from any direction--to abide by
Q-What part did Jesus play in any of His reincarnations in the development of the basic teachings of Mohammedanism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Brahminism, Platonism, Judaism?
A-As has been indicated, the entity--as an entity--influenced either directly or indirectly all those forms of philosophy or religious thought that taught God was One..."Know, O Israel, the Lord thy God is One!' (Deuteronomy 6:4) whether this is directing one of the Confucian thought, Brahmin thought, Buddha thought, Mohammedan thought; these are as teachers or representatives...but it's God that gives the increase...
What are the commandments? "Thou shalt have no other God before me," and "Love thy neighbor as thy self." In this is builded the whole law and gospel of every age that has said, "There is One God." 364-9
To clear up any misconception(s), let us add the Akashic's definition of the term Israel before continuing.
For those who seek are indeed Israel, and Israel indeed is all who seek; meaning not those as the children of Abraham, but of every nation, every tribe, every tongue--Israel of the Lord! That is the full meaning of Israel. 2772-1
Q-What should be understood by the statement (Genesis 49:10), "The scepter has not departed from Israel"?
A-Israel is the chosen of the Lord, and that His promise, His care, His love has not departed from those that seek to know His way, that seek to see His face, that would draw nigh unto Him. This is the meaning, this should be the understanding to all. Those that seek are Israel. So Abraham means call; so Israel means those who seek. How obtained the supplanter the name Israel? For he wrestled with the angel, and he was face to face with the seeking to know His way. 262-28
Let there be the study, the closer study of the promises which are made in the book, yes, the history of the Jew; yet these having failed, who is Israel? Not the Jew, but Israel is the seeker after truth. 5377-1
We now continue with what the Book of Records has for us on the role of Christ in all religions and philosophies that have been and will ever come about on the earth plane.
Remember, Christ Consciousness has been, from the beginning of time, on the spiritual plane. Manifestations of same on the physical plane thirty times--culminating in the attainment of
But remember, truth is truth in any language, in any clime and that which man seeks to subscribe is, namely; "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy mind, thy body, thy soul, and thy neighbor as thy self (Luke 10:27)." The rest of philosophy, the rest of theology is only the explaining of that in individuals' lives. 5037-2
Q-Which person, or group, today, has the nearest to the correct teachings of Jesus?
A-This would depend upon who is the judge. The teaching, the consciousness of the Christ-life is a personal thing. And hence they that are aware of His abiding presence are the nearer.
Who? They that walk with Him and do not, cannot, will not force themselves on others--even as He. 1703-36
Q-Is faith of man in Buddha or Mohammed equal in the effect on his soul to the faith in Jesus Christ?
A-Each in their respective spheres are but stepping stones to that that may awaken in the individual the knowledge of the Son in their lives. 262-14
All religious faiths have their element of truth. 900-59
One's religion, one's love of the fellow man, one's love of the Creator is a living thing-- and not just form only! 1564-1
The purpose, yea, the intent of religion is that peace may be to body and mind of those who embrace same.
Then the fewer definitions there be of that to which an individual is to subscribe, the the greater may be the peace and the harmony in the experience of every soul. 1467-3
In God, in the Son, in the Holy Spirit, there is no creed; for creeds are only man-made. And remember that creeds are like those things that are done as in rote. However, to some rote becomes necessary. 2420-1
The church is within yourself and not in any pope or preacher, or in any building but in self! For thy body is indeed the temple of the living God, and the Christ becomes a personal companion in mind and body; dependent upon the personality and individuality of the entity as it makes practical application of the tenets and truths that are expressed. 5125-1
A particular church organization* is well. For it centers the mind. But don't get the idea you have the whole cheese. 3350-1*Substitute church organization with any religion or philosophy. Response was given to a Christian seeker.
As He has given, it will ever be found that Truth--whether in this or that schism or ism or cult--is of the One source. Are there not trees of oak, of ash, of pine? There are the needs of these for meeting this or that experience. 254-87
O what crimes have been committed in the name of religion! 3344-1
Science and religion are one when their purposes are one. 5023-2
Q-Is Gnosticism the closest type of Christianity to that which is given through this source?
A-This is a parallel, and was the commonly accepted one until there began to be set rules in which there were attempts to take short cuts. And there are none in Christianity! 5749-14
It is indeed not strange there are even in the protestant churches, Methodist, Christian, Baptist, Congregational or the what, but it is to meet the needs. What is God? All things to all men that all might know Him. Not that one is better than the other. 2072-15
Unless one is good for something, unless it is to make the experience of another appreciate the opportunity of the blessing of the spirit of truth in their activities, it must eventually come to naught. Hence not religion, not even goodness, but rather the application of not tenets but the acts and the soul of the Christ-Consciousness in the material world is to be sought. 276-6
How did thy Master work? In the church, in the synagogue, in the field, in the lakes, upon the sands and the mountains, in the temple. And did He defy those? Did He set up anything different? Did He condemn the law even of the Romans, or the Jews, or the Essenes, or the Sadducees, or any of the cults and isms of the day? He gave, all are as One--under the law. And grudges, schisms, isms, cults, must become as naught; that thy Guide, the Way, thy Master, yea, even Christ--as manifested in Jesus of Nazareth--may be made known to thy fellow man. 254-92
We have just read what the Book of Remembrance spells out as the essence of a spiritual life. Having come this far, remain steadfast in prayer: Let Him guide you daily and every moment to maintain the arduous task of manifesting His love in thoughts, words and deeds.
May the light of the love the Christ be your guide in all activities.
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