The main reason why it is crucial to understand the concept of Law and Grace is because of the antecedents of the original misadventure of souls on the spiritual plane. We broached and explained it many times in this blog.
Notwithstanding, it is still imperative to continue to remind ourselves, occasionally, why we ended up in flesh in order to reinforce the need to work harder, to stop further material incarnations.
This is the only way to actualize the original intention of the Creative Forces when souls were created--for us to be their companions on the spiritual plane. As usual, the choice is personal. We defer to the Akashic for the reminder.
Notwithstanding, it is still imperative to continue to remind ourselves, occasionally, why we ended up in flesh in order to reinforce the need to work harder, to stop further material incarnations.
This is the only way to actualize the original intention of the Creative Forces when souls were created--for us to be their companions on the spiritual plane. As usual, the choice is personal. We defer to the Akashic for the reminder.
...When the earth became a dwelling place for matter, when gases formed into those things that man sees in nature and in activity about him, then matter began its ascent in the various forms of physical the mind of God! The spirit chose to enter (celestial, not an earth spirit--he hadn't come into the earth yet!), chose to put on, to become a part of that which was as a command not to be done.
Then those so entering must continue through the earth until the body-mind is made perfect for the soul, or the body celestial again. 262-99
The original sin, to be discussed in a future post, stems from:
The spirit chose to enter (celestial, not an earth spirit--he hadn't come into the earth yet!), chose to put on, to become a part of that which was as a command not to be done.
We had shown, in earlier posts, further evidence on this issue.
Free will was--and still remains--the birthright of
The onus is now on each soul to exercise the same birthright--used to disobey the Creative Forces in the beginning--to make amends. By spiritual law, the amends have to be executed in flesh. After all we forced ourselves into materiality.
God does not need any physical gifts or offerings. Gone are the days for such. The completion of the mission of Jesus, the Christ, terminated such misinformed practices--offering physical sacrifices to atone for shortcomings.
He said: God is a spirit and has to be worshipped in the same medium. Simply put, our thoughts, words and deeds need to conform to the God's standard requirement for the material plane. What are those standards?
The Law!--you must love thy God with all thy heart, thy body and thy soul; and love thy neighbor as thyself. This requirement is not complicated. Nevertheless, it is not achievable in one earthly incarnation. Hence, the Master made thirty earthly incarnations!
Adherence to The Law, or otherwise, is the spiritual standard used to judge individual thoughts, words and deeds. We brought this on ourselves. How? By, ab initio, choosing to satisfy self. To ignore The Law, after being privy to it is a tough path to maintain.
Put simply, now that you know, the benefit of the doubt will gradually cease to apply. The only way to make amends is to, from now, try to align your will with the Divine's. Rome was not built in a day. The Father does not expect a sudden transformation. Take it one step at a time.
The Master showed us how, when He famously, and tellingly, said: Father, let this cup pass from me. However, not my but Thine be done. For any soul to start the process of reducing the pains associated with trying to force our will on issues, endeavor to pray as the Master did in all circumstances.
We shall continue to provide more information from the Akashic on the topic of Law and Grace in subsequent posts.
Let the light of the love of the Christ guide be our guide in all activities.